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Dome Light Override


Well-Known Member
August 24, 2008
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City, State
Millington, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 5spd 4wd
I searched for this, but was unable to find anything. I would like to put a dome light override switch on my truck, so that when I use it early in the morning for hunting I can flip a switch disabling the dome lights. Which wire would have to be modified so that I can do this? I considered simply installing a switch on the driver's door pressure switch wire, just to interupt it there so that only the driver's door allowed "lightless" entry and exit, but there has to be a better way.


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Not on the 1st Gen's. The lights come on, no matter what.


Isn't the door switch just a ground side switch? Couldn't you just tap in to that somewhere and then wire a switch in series with the wire. Just flip the switch open so there's no ground when you open the door, that way when the door opens and the "button" opens it won't ground out, that way it does turn the light on.

edit: Even if it's a power side switch you can still just wire a switch in to it. Either way you be restricting the current from having a path to go thus preventing the light from turning on.

edit2: I just read that you were looking for another way to do this, to answer that question I don't know. This seems like the easiest and most efficient way however.

well, if it's a ground side switch, which would make sense, wouldn't there be one hot wire going to the dome light(s)? If so, that would be the one I need to put a switch in, just have to find it

well, if it's a ground side switch, which would make sense, wouldn't there be one hot wire going to the dome light(s)? If so, that would be the one I need to put a switch in, just have to find it

Yeah, that would make it so that it won't even get power at all. That way if any door was opened it wouldn't turn on. I was only thinking about the drivers door. But you're way would be better if you had to open any other doors.

so anyone know were to find this wire? I looked in the chilton's manual I have, but it was very unclear when it came to the dome light wiring.

All of the interior lights (dome, map, etc) get power from fuse #1, 15 amp, main fuse block under the driver's side dash. It's a Green w/Yellow stripe wire that branches out from that fuse to power the interior lamps.

All of the interior lights (dome, map, etc) get power from fuse #1, 15 amp, main fuse block under the driver's side dash. It's a Green w/Yellow stripe wire that branches out from that fuse to power the interior lamps.

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Will do a step by step with pics when I get it done. Thanks again for all the help

It should be easy enough to just pull that fuse when you need to "black-out" your interior lights.

this is true, but I would rather have a switch so I dont have to go crawling under there.
