Wanted !!! Kill Switch for Dome and Door lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted !!! Kill Switch for Dome and Door lights


Active Member
September 27, 2004
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City, State
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ford Explorer 4x4
Wanted !!! Kill Switch for Dome and Door lights

Looking for a way to switch the dome and door lights off for when i leave the rear hatch or doors open for any extended period of time. Has anyone tried this?
Deron :usa:

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Good thread derocha; I noticed you mentioned locating your toggle switch "underneath the lock". Does that mean you put it under the lock on the HATCH or does it mean you put it up by the lock on the driver's door?

Might be a dumb answer, but can't you just turn the dimmer switch wheel all the way down until it clicks? When I click it on my 98, it turns off all interior lights whether or not a door or hatch is open. Not sure if it works the same way for a 1st gen. though

Lee S. said:
Might be a dumb answer, but can't you just turn the dimmer switch wheel all the way down until it clicks? When I click it on my 98, it turns off all interior lights whether or not a door or hatch is open. Not sure if it works the same way for a 1st gen. though

It only works for 2nd gen +.. 1st Gen Explorers don't have that function.

My override switch is located in the rear hatch right next to the pop up door lock. But in the mean time if you want a ghetto way to shut off the dome light just use a screwdriver and manually close the latch on the driver's side (just don't forget to unlatch it my opening the door again)

I put a switch in the center console so I can have the stereo on with the doors open and the lights off at night while I am camping. All you have to do is bypass the original wiring that goes to the stereo and dome/door lights and isolate the dome/door light wire. It took me about an hour total. The wire I rerouted was the power to the stereo, it was easier than the dome light power. Access is easiest right at the fuse box, then you can run a new wire and fuse for the stereo at the same time, with its own fuse (use an empty slot on the fuse box). I did it several years ago, so I couldn't tell you the exact way I did it, but I remember it wasn't too hard.

I disabled the dome and door lights by cutting a brown wire under the dash where it comes through the large round bulkhead connector (on the driver's side, behind the parking brake pedal. I'll have to check my schematic to see what wire number it is. I put a switch under the dash. I used an illuminated switch and wire the switch lamp and a small resistor in series with the cut line. That way, when the lamps are disabled, the switch lights up so i can find it in the dark. Only problem: the headlight reminder chime is also disabled, so I have to be careful.

The mod is great for tailgate picnicing!


I guess I'll jump in here. My issue is that when I got my X, the dome light never comes on when doors or the hatch is open, but will if you turn the headlight dimmer knob all the way over. If the dime light is on with the headlight switch turned and I open the door, the chime starts sounding. It won't sound if the dome light is off and the door is open, however.

Any idea what the PO did to my truck? I'd like to fix it as wellas having the capability to turn it off, too. Colors and locations of the relevant wires would be great.
