Low beam on driver side stop working | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Low beam on driver side stop working

:fire: 97 X Limited with driving lights - everything else works but the low beam on the drivers side (Driving lights on both sides, brights on both sides and lowbeam on passenger side.) I traced the wire back to the fuse box in the door/dash and there is no power to the 20 amp fuse there. What's my next step - HELP!

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well the part finally came in today.

old one on left (you can see where its fried on the top right corner), new one on right.


pic is blurry cause my camera doesnt do good on close shots such as this.

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The burned area on both look the same. Wonder if its an upgraded part? Guess only time will tell.
Although I do feel that a harness will make it last longer as the headlight amps will be in the harness and not the headlight circut.

People have been saying that on this LOM there is a soldering point that is broken when you have one light out and fog laps don't work and also message on the center console.

My question is since we have a picture here (Thanks to tonedeaf) where on this picture is the broken soldering point. I know this is a picture of a burned module but where about would this broken point be? This question for those of you that say you re-soldered the broken point.

Mine just went out a couple of days ago (High beams work on both, low beam out on passengers side, message on center console, fog lamps out, two brand spanking knew GE bulbs), I'm about to take the console out and am looking for a reference point where to start looking on the LOM for the broken solder point.


Damn 2005 is when the last person posted....Well hopefully someone remembers this old thread...

In the Lighting FAQs is a post that describes where the LOM is and how to find the solder joint.
Hope it helps.

I found this website that gives you a better explanation of where it is an where the solder point is at. Hope this help anyone else who comes across this problem...it helped me...

Lamp Out Module Location


Thanks to everyone! This just saved me some cash trying to get this fixed. Wish I would have tried the forum before I spent 10 bucks... lol. That's ok this saved me even more. I was about to hit the dealer tomorrow. Thanks again!!

I'm going to give this a try on New Years Day! I'm glad I checked, thanks for all the helpful posts, pics and info. HAPPY 2009!

Except for getting the screws out that hold the module to the console (for some reason I struggled) this was a very easy fix. It's ironic that this component is call the "Lamp Outage Module", it 'outage’d' my low beam lamp very effectively!:D
