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Evolution of an Explorer XL - How ExplorerForum.com got started

Electric drive with a small diesel generator, train style.
Nissan Leaf motor mated to the manual transmission. Standalone swap controllers are available. I like the idea of the diesel generator for unlimited range

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Nissan Leaf motor mated to the manual transmission. Standalone swap controllers are available. I like the idea of the diesel generator for unlimited range
Have you seen the Canadian Edison Motors? He’s retrofitting off highway trucks with electric drives, batteries, and a cat generator.

Have you seen the Canadian Edison Motors? He’s retrofitting off highway trucks with electric drives, batteries, and a cat generator.
Nope, just checked it out. The Pumpkin is getting set on a semi truck frame, can run the 10 ton axles.

As far as the pumpkin, why not take her into the future and do a electric conversation? I know it's not in our blood, but in the end we're still car enthusiast, no matter what powers it. She would make a bad ass giant rc car. 😎 Plus no more emissions.

I don't have any interest in an electric offroader. I don't want to be the guy with the generator running to charge a dead battery pack.

An Ecoboost with a 10 speed is definitely more my style. :D

Turbos off road make me nervous for no good reason.

Nissan Leaf motor mated to the manual transmission. Standalone swap controllers are available. I like the idea of the diesel generator for unlimited range

Nissan is my least favorite car brand. LOL

Turbos off road make me nervous for no good reason.

Just need to keep the air intake off the ground. We had a member on one of our AZ runs who hydrolocked his turbo Explorer when he tried to do a water crossing with an extremely low mounted intake. Whoops!

Nissan is my least favorite car brand. LOL
I personally don't care for the brand either, but there's a lot of support for swapping the drivetrain into something else. I have seen some other truck/suv swaps. What I find interesting is, with a 5 speed manual 2nd or 3rd gear is all you need.

I don't have any interest in an electric offroader. I don't want to be the guy with the generator running to charge a dead battery pack.

An Ecoboost with a 10 speed is definitely more my style. :D

Keep it old school - 5.0L. :cool:

331 w a beefed up 4r70w and atlas is the ticket
She earned it! Here is to another 30 years. My bii was a daily wheeler until 2023 now the door hinges are all rusted to the point where have to slam the doors, the frame has some tears in it and well she’s parked for now. Difference here is I still need her! I wheel everyday just to get in and out of the property. For now I built the wife and I a sport trac to handle daily duties, plus I picked up and fixed up a 92 Diahatsu Rocky just to handle our road. Over the next year or two the bronco will finally get a frame off resto. But my v8 drivetrain is good to go….
The pumpkin could really benefit from a v8 and since it’s an explorer you don’t have to re invent the wheel to get it in there and working

331 w a beefed up 4r70w and atlas is the ticket
She earned it! Here is to another 30 years. My bii was a daily wheeler until 2023 now the door hinges are all rusted to the point where have to slam the doors, the frame has some tears in it and well she’s parked for now. Difference here is I still need her! I wheel everyday just to get in and out of the property. For now I built the wife and I a sport trac to handle daily duties, plus I picked up and fixed up a 92 Diahatsu Rocky just to handle our road. Over the next year or two the bronco will finally get a frame off resto. But my v8 drivetrain is good to go….
The pumpkin could really benefit from a v8 and since it’s an explorer you don’t have to re invent the wheel to get it in there and working
A Kei truck would be cool for that type of terrain, be even better with a 5.0 under the bed.

Nissan is my least favorite car brand. LOL
not even mitsubishi? at least nissan still makes the frontier... i have no clue what mitsubishi even sells :D...except those fusos which are actually not bad

I had a mitsubishi tv once. I could never adjust the color right.

Mitsubishi makes the best and most expensive elevators and escalators in the world
They even make a spiral escalator, there is a pair of them in Vegas at the Caesar’s palace.
Mitsubishi is very large company over seas, they are a major player in the world elevator market along with Otis, kone, Thyssen Krupp and Schindler
Nissan makes cool stuff too
I wouldn’t buy a Nissan or Mitsubishi for automobile to save my soul

I really like Mitsubishi industrial stuff. Very easy to work with, and pretty stout.

I really like Mitsubishi industrial stuff. Very easy to work with, and pretty stout.

The Mitsubishi Montera had good reviews at the time. They seemed like rugged SUVs. I also liked the Dodge Stealth which was a re-wrapped and badged Mitsubishi. I would have liked to have owned one of those when they came out.

The Mitsubishi Montera had good reviews at the time. They seemed like rugged SUVs. I also liked the Dodge Stealth which was a re-wrapped and badged Mitsubishi. I would have liked to have owned one of those when they came out.
they remind me alot of the trooper, still see them here and there. someone nearby has one.

Mitsubishi is “over engineered” as U.S. Americans would say. The result is the best ride and smoothest cabs in the elevator industry… but at a cost. They lose in a lot of markets because they are in willing to adapt anything they cannot build in the factory. They will not cut hack weld machine beams and mounts, create out of standard” rail brackets and stuff along these lines. Things the installer in the field is used to doing, things considered to be normal practice. It it does not come from the plant as built they cannot bid the job. As a result they are unable to be competitive in their bids and Otis and Kone continue to dominate the North American markets
But man when somebody does spring for the Mitsubishi product you get what you pay for… smooth ride and quiet

Mitsubishi is “over engineered” as U.S. Americans would say. The result is the best ride and smoothest cabs in the elevator industry… but at a cost. They lose in a lot of markets because they are in willing to adapt anything they cannot build in the factory. They will not cut hack weld machine beams and mounts, create out of standard” rail brackets and stuff along these lines. Things the installer in the field is used to doing, things considered to be normal practice. It it does not come from the plant as built they cannot bid the job. As a result they are unable to be competitive in their bids and Otis and Kone continue to dominate the North American markets
But man when somebody does spring for the Mitsubishi product you get what you pay for… smooth ride and quiet
it is rare to see mitsu elevators, i see mostly otis here, but ill be sure to pay more attn next time i see a mitsu elevator, and maybe ride it for the heck of it

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Mitsubishi is big in the so cal / la market that is one of the few you will find them in major markets where buildings are taller
Mitsubishi even has an elevator division in their la headquarters. You can find lots of them
La convention center is all Mitsubishi or at least it was when it was built

Also big in Vegas

