Explorer Forum Memorial Thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Forum Memorial Thread


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Over the years we have lost many good friends. This thread is dedicated to their memories.

Dr. John "Jack" Lobdell - Founding Member

Stephen Winthrow - Stephen - Moderator

Ted Fegger - Tbars4 - Moderator

Sandy Gonzalez - SoBeLover - Moderator

Rick Yambor - rookieshooter - Moderator

John Johnstone - John Rock

Chris Mercer - Lizardtrac

Jeffery Meyer - Gator Jeff

Mark Sparks - Sparksafly'n

Al Franklin - Aldive

Phil Fisk - Albino 94LTD

Sue Boggs - Zukmam

Robbie Krumm - R. J.

David Jarrett - AspenX

Sadly, I know this is not an inclusive list as many members have undoubtedly passed without our knowledge. Also, I am sure I have left out some members that we do know passed on, so if you would like me to add to the list please send me a direct message.

Thanks for all the great memories my friends:chug:

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I am grateful of the knowledge that some of the passed members gave me. Even my n00b questions were kindly answered...

Thinking of Jeff just the other day.

sadly i was suppose to meet john the summer before he died. i pasted it up because i wanted to get home and told him there will be another time.
i regret that to this day still.

dang man.......some good people have been lost.
I hope to someday make that list but not until I reach 90 something!!
You guys will have to deal with my stubborn ass until then, I hope to make them all proud!!

Good thought for a thread Rick. Many enduring memories, and inspirations.
They were all great friends.

Having a best friend on the list is kinda rough but his legacy lives on through his son Joshua. I'm glad we've remained close.

We unfortunately lost Robbie Krumm @R.J. around 5:15 last evening...


We apparently lost Sobelover early last year.

Remember jasonb from long ago back when I was still active here (I think he was a moderator for a short time)? I seem to recall hearing that he passed away but cannot remember where I heard that at. He used to post all the time / thousands of posts / and then very suddenly quit posting.

PS, yes I'm still alive

May God bless all those who have imparted such wisdom and then parted. I recall AlDive in the search for 30...........

Sadly we have lost another long time member of the forum. David Jarrett, Gerald's brother passed away after a long fight with cancer. David didn't own an Explorer, but he joined us on several of our "Serious Explorations" over the years.

Our condolences to @GJarrett and the rest of David's friends and family. Rest in peace David.

One of those threads you fear getting bumped to the top. R.I.P David.

what happened? covid?

I'm late on reporting this, but I just learned today that RIck Yambor, rookieshooter, passed away last year. Rick had moved on from the forum, but had been an active member and moderator for some time. Rest in peace Rick.

I'm late on reporting this, but I just learned today that RIck Yambor, rookieshooter, passed away last year. Rick had moved on from the forum, but had been an active member and moderator for some time. Rest in peace Rick.

😪 i was wondering what happen to him. he never was to active on his facebook page, and when he sold his bronco, he had stop posting here.

i had met him twice at all ford nationals. he was a really nice guy, and very smart when it came to his truck build.

I'm late on reporting this, but I just learned today that RIck Yambor, rookieshooter, passed away last year. Rick had moved on from the forum, but had been an active member and moderator for some time. Rest in peace Rick.
Definitely sorry to hear of his passing. I remember back sometime in 2022 or 2023 for training in Ohio I tried to connect with him since he was living about 20 miles from where I was training.. never got a reply and saw his wife's profile and saw the post..

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Dang. He was a good friend on the forum many moons ago. I have missed speaking with him since. Rest in peace Rick
