explorermann1979 will rip you off! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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explorermann1979 will rip you off!


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
AKA Carl White of Findlay Ohio

His profile will tell the story. If he had the guts to log in he'd edit the visitor messages.


Basically I sent 220.00 to him for some door panels for Bryan's truck. No panels, tracking number or answers to my phone calls.

Paypal is supposedly refunding the amount. He sent a refund which was in the form of a paypal e check which bounced.


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I will add that I even tried calling Carl on Jon's behalf and would not go to phone for me either.


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That would explain why when I called the Findlay Police department, the sergeant called back in 20 minutes after paying him a visit. In other words he knew right where to go to find him.

They did say I could press charges but I should wait until last friday to pursue it, giving him one last chance to pay up. This is the payment that bounced. Soon as I get the paypal refund I am pursuing this further. The officer has all the information, all I need to do is call him.

What a ******. Go get him Jon.

nice picture of him smoking a doobie in the first one... give him hell Jon


Definitely not #winning!

We were all sitting in chat one night, Carl had been a regular and asked if I had found the door panels yet.
He explained he wanted manual windows and had a set of panels for power windows.
After showing me pictures I asked how much he wanted. He asked me to make an offer. Since I had recently been outbid at 220.00 on ebay I offered 220.00 shipped, and asked if I should pay now.
He responded I should wait until he had the panels removed.
Then on the chat he pm'd me a picture of removed panels. I asked if I should paypal him yet, he said no, as he needed to make sure he could ship them.
Then he even called me on the phone to talk a bit about stuff for his chevy truck he wanted to do. It was actually a pleasant chat.

2 days later, me being eager to get the panels, asked him if I should send payment yet. He said sure, as usps quoted a good price.

I felt surely, if he was intending to rip me off he would have eagerly accepted my first offer of payment.
Then he said his wife ended up sending them ups
Then nothing. Then an email saying there had been a death in the family, ups sent em back and he resent them, but still no tracking number.

Then nothing. Another member actually went to his home and said he was told ups sent em back again.
I called his house and got no answer.
Then, other people called and his wife answered, but Carl was auto parts shopping, so I tried and got through to her. She said Carl wasn't home, and she had no clue what I was talking about but would have him call me. I asked again, did you mail or ship a box to Kansas? and she replied no.

So, I gave it a couple days, then filed a complaint. I called the police, and to my surprise they actually called back saying they drove to his house, but he told them the panels were broken and he was intending to pay me when he got his next paycheck, on Friday, May 27. I was also told if they arrested him now there was no chance of getting this payment so I agreed. However, I was also told there was no shipping receipt or box of door panels to be shown.

Anyway, I called paypal and they are refunding the money and then going after him for it. His account is tied to a credit card so somehow they will get their money.

I posted a link to my Facebook, I'm pretty active in the crown Victoria/Panther community so I'm hoping people will recognize him and take precautionary actions against him. I wish you good luck, I hope this guy gets whats coming to him real soon. bad karma has a way of working it self out one way or another.

Since i heard this guy is a crown vic nut i alerted CVN folk to this guy. This aint cool. Not cool at all. Im really sorry Jon. But mayhaps Karma will bite. I know CVN wont be pleased with him if he is on there.....man what a tool.....

this is the same guy that complained heavily in chat about getting a ticket for hauling (and losing part of) an unsafe load down a dirt road at a high rate of speed. It was a pricey ticket, as there was something about endangering other vehicles traveling behind him. He also was not afraid to put sugar in someones gas tank that he thought might have taken things from him. And had nothing but threats to issue for anyone that did not agree with him.

As has already been stated what goes around, comes around.

bleach works a lot better at killing an automobile...and its easier to hide...just sayin...not that I would stoop so low as to do anything like that but if I was that sorta guy that's they way I'd do it.
Did the OP manage to get a refund with PayPal? if he did then PayPal will be after the guy as well so he can at least take a sigh of relief over that one if he got his refund.

50/50 chance that would be his county pen....lol...Man what a loser.

Well I checked vinelink.. he isn't in jail based on the dob he listed in his profile

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Well, Paypal buyer protection kicks in after 2 attempts to collect fail. Both e checks he sent bounced so paypal refunded the money and now will go after him for the funds.

I did contact the Findlay, OH Police Department. We'll see what happens now.
