Factory Update/Key Cycle Reset | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory Update/Key Cycle Reset


Elite Explorer
May 31, 2012
Reaction score
North East
City, State
East Freetown, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Ford Explorer ST
Does anyone know for sure if the key cycles get reset when the dealer updates the PCM?

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Yes. But that's not going to save you. If you brought it in for driveability issues and you deny having a tune and they discover only 5 key cycles, no one is going to buy that unless you just got the PCM updated the day before. But yes, it will reset the key cycles. If the PCM was updated a month ago, I'd probably have 200 key cycles give or take.

It was updated less than two week before I brought it in and I actually only drove it a handful of times. I understand the risk of running a tune but I know the tune had nothing to do with it. I started having issues the day I picked it up after having them service the transmission. I may be beating a dead horse here but I've got to try! I accept the reality that I will most likely have to pay out of pocket but if there is a chance I can put doubt in their mind and show it could just as easily been something they did (or did not do) then I have to try. I have nothing to lose.

I hear you. But there is no point trying to make up a scenario where the key cycles make sense other than you changed the tune. You should just say the shifting was funky so you flashed back to the stock tune to exclude the tune, found that it was still shifting funny and then the major even happened. Ford knows tunes are very common among their performance cars--heck, they even have their FP tune. That's really not the problem.

Did they open the trans up and come to any conclusion as to what went wrong? That's really going to determine what they will cover and what your next course of action will be. But I'd definitely fight for full comp--just not by denying you had a tune and flashed it back recently. Covering up a tune is not a good look. Ford's 10 speed trans whether it be the 10R80 or 10R60 do NOT have a good track record. Unfortunately, Ford in many cases is not owning up to the problems--hence a ton of lawsuits.

The thing is, I didn't put the tune in it after I got it back. I left it stock because they said there was an issue with the rearend and the transmission was acting up. That's why I only drove it a handful of times before the transmission went. So only having 7 key cycles (not 5) is about right. When I brought it in to have the AWD Module replaced it only had 5 key cycles because I had returned it to stock the Friday before. But this time was not from the tune. I realise it probably doesn't matter when the tune was flashed to the vehicle or when it was flashed back because they are going to see it had been tuned at some point. I'm just saying the tune had nothing to do with it this time.

This time, that time... doesn't matter. But according to them, when they looked it had 5 key cycles when it should have had a lot more, even if you did have your PCM flashed weeks ago.

BTW, since you are using Forscan, OBDLink's app has mode9 vehicle diagnostic which will tell you the ignition cycle count.

I got a reply from the service manager today and he was able to confirm that my PCM was updated the last time they had it in. With that and the fact I only drove it a handful of times he feels Ford will pay for the repair. So that's good news. However, they still haven't started on it. He said they have had two ambulances with transmission issues and half the shop has been out sick, including the transmission tech. So, he is going to have one of the other techs pull the transmission and have it on the bench ready to go when the transmission tech is done with the ambulances.

Update: I met with the service manager and they were able to verify my vehicle was updated the last time it was in so they are covering it under warranty. Rather than mess around with rebuilding it they are just putting in a new transmission. So being patient and not flying off the handle paid off. ;)

Glad it worked out for you. Ford has had so many problems with the 10R80 and 10R60 that they should just fix them and not even worry about whether or not it is tuned.
