Front end sag | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front end sag


Loco en cabeza
August 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Explorer UNEDDIE
After I installed my custom front bumper and winch. I started no notice the front end has started to sag down a great bit. The tires are now toe in because of the bumper and winch. Right now I have a 4in rough country lift and 3in body lift on. Before I go and get some a pair of new tires and rims I would like some suggestions on how I could go and fix the alianment problem before they go and chew up the new tires.

If you need some pix of the way the truck is let me know and I will post them.


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So which truck are we talking about? the 92 or the 97?

pics would be good

I would start with new coil springs.. Maybe a more stiffer set. If that fails, you can just donate the winch & bumper to me :D

this is the 92 explorer

and Ben No your not getting the bumper because you don't desire it.

this is the 92 explorer

and Ben No your not getting the bumper because you don't desire it.

Oh yes you will or the sheep will attack :D

Would a half-inch or so coil spring spacer help?

well i have several spacers in my springs i was kind of forced into it after my x took flight With the space in between the coils the twist in style will fit in perfect and wont fall out withe the suspension at full droop

got no problems with my twist ins and i beat the snot out of my front end

could a simple alignment be at fault?.... i'm just throwing it out there, I was thinking if there's more weight, and now the tires are wearing unevenly, could that be the cause? just my two cents.
