HALO2 / T-minus 8 Days | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HALO2 / T-minus 8 Days


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
St.Louis - MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport/ExpeditionPkg
Anybody else can't sleep at night waiting for this game to come out :D November 9th is right around the corner, where in the home stretch - WOOHOO!

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i cant wait for it either, i believe that i have 2 halo 2's on preorder, one for my xbox and one for my dads

if you have live, my xbl alias is: theven

we cant wait either. we still play halo multiplayer pretty often

I cant wait! It will be the best game of the year by far!

friday i told some people i would have a halo xbox lan party at my house over the weekend, well i got lazy and it never happened

when i returned to school today.....wow were people mad at me....if this is the craze over halo multiplayer, and i have heard that halo 2 multiplayer blows the first multiplayer out of the water, im going ot have some crazy lan partys :)

I pre-ordered the special edition Halo2 (in all silver metal case). The first 600 copies sold out in 2 days. I gotta wait for the second week to get mine. :( So its T-minus 14 days here.

X~FACTOR said:
I pre-ordered the special edition Halo2 (in all silver metal case). The first 600 copies sold out in 2 days. I gotta wait for the second week to get mine. :( So its T-minus 14 days here.

EEEEWWWWWW, thats just UGULY ^^^, 7 more days for the rest of us WOOHOO!!!

i was going to get the special edition, but then i saw it was just a case and the extra disc. the case doesnt matter to me, and we got the other disc months ago when we bought the green halo xbox (we have 3 xbox's in our house).

Halo 2 should be a lot of fun - it's been a long time in coming! I hope MS is ready for the onslaught of on-line traffic. :D We should setup some Serious Explorations games once everyone's had a chance to play a little. My Gamertag is: IT WAS ME.

mmpc said:
Halo 2 should be a lot of fun - it's been a long time in coming! I hope MS is ready for the onslaught of on-line traffic. :D We should setup some Serious Explorations games once everyone's had a chance to play a little. My Gamertag is: IT WAS ME.

Dammit I'm gonna have to go get online forsure with this game coming out, 6 more days WOOHOO!!!

The commercials look freaken amazing

mmpc said:
Halo 2 should be a lot of fun - it's been a long time in coming! I hope MS is ready for the onslaught of on-line traffic. :D We should setup some Serious Explorations games once everyone's had a chance to play a little. My Gamertag is: IT WAS ME.

Yeah, we should start a thread with our XBL names.
mine is spoolinquick

leenjen said:
i was going to get the special edition, but then i saw it was just a case and the extra disc. the case doesnt matter to me, and we got the other disc months ago when we bought the green halo xbox (we have 3 xbox's in our house).
Why 3?

*x~factor knows why and is hoping to be convinced to get another*

If the store has it on tues I may grab it. I didnt preorder but I can wait if they dont. I was dissapointed it wont have online co op play so I'm not as anxious as I was.

GT= arfan

Only 5 more days, I can almost taste the wrapper coming off the game WOOHOO!!!

i have added these tags to my friends list...

also so far explorer XBL gamer tags are:

explorer board name - XBL gamer tag
odxtoxic - theven
ExplorerSportNu - IT WAS ME
leenjen - spoolinquick
jnealg - arfan

odxtoxic said:
ExplorerSportNu - IT WAS ME

LOL, I don't have live yet, but since my name has been given I guess I'll use that once I get it all hooked up :D

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oh, well...a friend invite has been sent out to you :)
