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Help, need opinion, SC dies again...go back to stock?


Explorer Addict
July 16, 1999
Reaction score
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Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer
Well, My supercharger died after the 3rd rebuild, and just after 38 miles!!! :fire:

I thought I had it fixed as the impeller shaft was out of round, well anyways, after spending almost $1400 on the rebuild and still dead in the water.....I am debating whether to:

1) Take the bullet and purchase a new head unit from Powerdyne.

2) Return the vehicle to stock all together and just enjoy it for what it is.

3) Send unit back for the 4th time and see where it goes....(928Motorsports said that I certainly can return it for them to look at, but suggeested I call www.superchargerrebuilds and see what they think, sometimes a new set of eyes can catch something....more shipping more $$$$

At this point in time, I almost want to just sell the vehicle, but I have ALOT of $$$ and time invested. (TMH's, cat-back, SC, X-calibrator, MaFIA ect...)

*these days I have more important things to spend my $$$ on (house/family), although I do enjoy tinkering with the Mountaineer (when it works)


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If it died after 38 miles, I'd take it back to the rebuild place and make them do it right for free... it was obviosly not put together right.

Agree..if it only lasted 38 miles, I would think that the company that re-built it should be doing some warranty work.....

doesnt sound like a quality rebuild to me

The first time they rebuilt it, it lasted just over 200 miles, the second time about the same, then for the 3rd time, they found that the impeller shaft was out of round, and rebuilt it again. (all within a couple months) and dies at 38 miles.
They changed the inpeller shaft, bearings, and belt....don't know what else to do. Maybe the case is warped???? You would think they could check that, or did check it???

I am going ot send it back to them, will see what comes of it. The problem is that the soft case doesn't lend itself to too many bearings being pushed into it, it may be toast now that they have been changed so many times. At this point I am windering whether they should replace the unit with a new or rebuilt one???? I hope this issue doesn't lead to legal action of some sort. So far they have been accommodating.

Just a quick update:

At this point it appears that the unit is oviously louder than it should be, but trying to determine if it has any bearing on the reliability and/or longevity of the unit.

If the bearings, belt and impeller shaft have been replaced, there is not much that can be wrong.

The bearings are known to be louder, and the new impeller shaft supposidly is a harder metal than the stock one.

Going to take it one day at a time, 928 suggested that I might want to ship it to Todd at superchargerrebuilds in thinking that a new oair of eyes might find something he missed. I spoke to Todd and he would be more than willing to look at it, and would even go as far as to run it on one of his test vehicles. This initself looks like a viable option. (May just send it to him as peice of mind)

I recorded a wav file of the sound, will post it shortly...like to get some opinions of it.

Have you checked the pulley-if it was out of true it would toast bearings in no time--has to be perfect.
in fact-all pulleys need to be true-

Humm..I did change the pulley just b 4 the first failure, but I am pretty sure that it is the impeller beaings that went out to lunch not the input shaft, I am not going to have to look into it just to make sure......thanks for the info.

time to get a new company to rebuild it?????????

I know a very reputable company that I deal with a lot for aircraft turbo's. They're called ATC - approved turbo components- out of vero beach, FL. They are top notch, nothing- nothing gets by these guys without being fixed right the first time. They don't automatically replace everything either, they will just do a simple repair if that's what you want.

I have put 200 miles on the unit so far. It continues to be very noisey, but performance wise, no problems. I am not sure at this point whether it is a combination of the ceramic bearings and new impeller shaft.

Going to run it for a few hundred miles and send it back for an inspection.

I went back to the 3.12 pulley as opposed to the 2.93 as it was suggested that that in-itself will add much life to the bearings. I do have a large crank pulley which if you do the math puts the impeller spinning at 36,000 at 6000rpm.

Here is a link to a wav file I created, disregard the forst few seconds, it was just air from the fan:

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