How Do I Get Herculiner Off of My Hootus?! | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Do I Get Herculiner Off of My Hootus?!

Introducing the 2000 Hootus, now Herculiner equipped!!!

I can't stop laughing every time I read this! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Gerald, what a Herculen(er)ian :) task it must be for you to maintain your composure. ;) I just read this on the BC4X4 e-mail list too(no I didn't post it but I probably should have :p ). Most people only get 15 minutes of fame, you are immortal man!!! :D Just think, when you die and they want to preserve your "famous" hootus in the Smithsonian they won't need any formaldihyde. :D

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Well, you have made it to the Colorado Full Size Jeep Association list...I'm guessing word of this incident has traveled around the world for sure by now...

JC Jones
76 Wagoneer (Road Warrior)
84 Grand Wagoneer (Eeyore)


Originally posted by trckmagik
:eek: This might be one of those emails that someone ends up sending around.

Who'da thunk it? Right now there are 201 posts (202 after this one) and it has been viewed 14,224 times. (14235 by the time I typed the last sentance) And it is moving across the internet at light speed. This thread moves so fast it is EVERYWHERE! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Don't feel bad Gerald we aren't out to make you feel "exposed" :) it is only a little good natured "ribbing".
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
(14245 after this sentance)
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

(14275 by the time I added the bouncy guys :) :bounce:

[Edited by Paul Gagnon on 08-23-2000 at 10:57 PM]

Actually, Stephen, I got the URL off I thought I had put that in my previous post; oops. :eek: I haven't seen a link on Car Lounge yet; on the other hand, I haven't really been following it like I used too; too much other stuff going on right now. So far, I haven't seen the URL on any IH sites, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before that changes. Sorry Gerald, I think you're gonna turn into a celebrity... :D

Stephen, how are ya? Haven't talked to you in a while...

I love the smilies on this site! If there's a board here that doesn't stick specifically to Ford Explorers (which I know next to nothing about), I think I'm gonna have to stick around...


heh heh heh this is gonna be fun :D

Carnuck, where's the reference on Joke A Day? I couldn't find it on their site. Thanks in advance!

where are them Chevys?
:shoot: :D

Hey, Gerald, I just checked out your profile; said you're a private pilot. What equipment do you fly (no pun intended)? How many hours? I'm a student pilot in PA-28-140's; have 19 hours. :)

New Titles

"You Only Hootus the One You Love"

"I've Got Herculiner on My Hootus"'s plain to see, that polyurethane is stuck to me...

'nother jeeper here and I just wanted to say thanks for the laugh ( at your expense) but I have a couple of questions? When the (ahem..) aformentioned problem is shed, how is that dealt with? Burned or buried? Second, This must really be bad with the recent developments with Firestone tires and all. You now have the first "hootus" that stays together longer than 30 million tires. Well hope to not see you on E! or something.:)

Another Toyota list member here, god-damn that story is hilarious!!! Sorry to hear of your predicament, and I'm glad to hear everything is OK now. We've all done stupid things while working on our trucks, but that took guts to share. You're a legend now man, congrats!

DUDE! On your Hootus!?! I just caught this thing on and it's the funniest thing I've read in quite a while. Brings to mind something I've always heard, "To each his own." But damn dude, YOUR own is kinda weird, don't ya think?


The Hootus heard {about} round the World...

This is not just ROFLMAO - it's a C&C alert!

[C&C: Cats & Coffee - put the coffee down, get the
cat out of your lap before proceeding to read, or
you'll be laughing so hard that you'll spill coffee
all over your computer and you'll be sorry about
what the cat did to your Hootus after you scared it.]

It is world-wide... A friend in Antarctica sent me an
e-mail about this thread. It will probably never die.

And for the sake of future historians, I've taken the
liberty of passing the thread info along to the good
folks who maintain the "Urban Legend" site. Years from
now, people will be asking about the "Hootus" incident,
and preservation of this entire thread is essential to
the History of the 'Net.

Are you sure you want to?


Are you sure you want to get ole' william de-hurculined?

I mean, just think of the benefits
  • Perfectly safe sex in all conditions
  • Improved - uh - firmness (at all times)
  • Forget ribs, that embedded stuff will drive her wild
  • Better traction
  • Resistant to almost all chemicals (well, Fireman Bill, when he fell into the vat of acid he was completely consumed... except for his Hootus.)
  • It comes in colors (no, not that - the Hurculiner)
  • You can build it up to whatever - errr, uhhhh, - thickness you wanted
  • No more pain from getting stuck in the zipper
  • Water and (well, you know what else) just beads up and rolls right off. One shake or tap and you're done!
  • Virtually "Bobbit" proof... (well - until she gets a Ginsu)
  • It's just plain cool looking (... uhhh not that I'm looking or anything)

The only question I would have would be should you do the sack in a matching or contrasting color?


[Edited by SFX on 08-24-2000 at 07:14 AM]

Just had to say hi from the Trail Talk Toyota Forums. Had to hide from the boss I was laughing so hard.

Maybe you should call Xena, she owes Hercules a favor and she's pretty handy with that sword.:eek: :eek:

Hercules gets to Madeira Island

Hello There I am From PORTUGAL (Europe) and altough I don't understand everything I did understood enough to laught about it.

Rui Freitas
Madeira Island PORTUGAL

Re: The Hootus heard {about} round the World...

Originally posted by paladin
....It is world-wide... A friend in Antarctica sent me an
e-mail about this thread....

ANTARCTICA?!#? :banghead:

Okay guys, have we covered all the bases now? :eek:
Is there anyplace left? Does anyone from a spacestation care to join in? I swear if I get an email from Mir I'm gonna die.

Sheesh :rolleyes:

I need a :chug: !

Hey Gerald, have you gotten an agent yet? If not, I've got some free time! You really should start your tour sometime soon, Hootus 2000: The Millenium Tour! Ever thought about politics? We could get you on the ballot for next election! What do you think?:D

Welcome to the site Rui!!

Hey RICK, we should get an audio clip on the main page from the Nutty Professor, you know, the part where Mama says, "HERCULES, HERCULES, HERCULES!"

Just a little note from a little guy, Your post has caused much more then a stir in my life.:banghead: I was threatend by the boss to be "let go" for two reasons; one my laughter was disturbing the others,(which it did when I showed them why), and two because it took me an hour and a half to read this post (and 23 other empl.). That was on their time, oops.:eek: I had no clue that checking this site out would do this. Well its not over, I showed it to my girlfriend (ex now) who has fallen in love with you and left me for a road trip to CO. !! She said she wanted someone with more longevity, and left out the door. You might have a navigator by this weekend If she drives fast enough. And I can say, if she doesnt wear that stuff off in 22 hours straight, you might as well resign yourself to you new birthmark.:p
As my revenge unto you, you homewrecker!:fire: I am fowarding this little thread to my good friends "Click and Clak" who will really make you famous. Also my brother in law is friends with Rosey O'donnell so expect a call from her to. I hope your happy. I know you will be for the first four hours or so this weekend, but everything after that is numbing. Drink lots of water, thats my advice.
Tim your song was great! and jeepusa, the response from herculiner really made me laugh. I pray its all true, and oh brother is she coming for you. No damn pun intended.
Sorry about your peer on the mountain last week. His actions have actually caused a larger stir then you on the jeep board in and they are designing a "safety cage" largely inspired by his passing. Its as if he was the "yin" in this weeks tragedy, and you were the (and your) "yang", a balance of lesson for everyone.
I still feel that reading this thread, people want to know if the area affected was larger than quarter size.:rolleyes: Im sure Ill find out if Heidi ever comes back to me. Your responses are the best by far, you should try to keep them up. Enjoy your fame Hercules. You have caught the eye of the samuri's as well.

Click and Clack ROFLMAO Gerald, you're gonna be on the radio pal! :bounce:

Warden, Do stick around. This whole forum here is for whatever anyone would like to post. Also, the News forum etc isn't specifically about Explorers, and yes we do have good smilies. I've been well, glad to hear you're doing well too.

Re: Hercules gets to Madeira Island

Originally posted by rui
Hello There I am From PORTUGAL (Europe) and altough I don't understand everything I did understood enough to laught about it.

Rui Freitas
Madeira Island PORTUGAL

Hey there from the Jeep world! Got this off the JeepsUnlimited board :)

Just wanted to let you know that we are all hoping that you are "feeling" better, and that everything works out easily in the long run :)

Bob P
1997 Wrangler TJ

[Edited by OrcusOmega on 08-24-2000 at 10:26 AM]


Thought I'd get you some pub, man. Besides being an internet hero, I contacted some people at The Ticket, on Russ Martin's Show and KLIF. Think you might be hearing from some local radio personalities before long, or at least hearing about yourself on the radio here in Dallas.

:bounce: Oh my god. That is funny D. I hope that they will let us know if they decide to do a skit using this hootus thing. I would listen in a heart beat. What radio station were they on again and what time. Gerald I am going to get your autograph this weekend while we are all at Gofast house.

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This is insane. Not even 24 hours ago, we were at 10'000 views. While I'm writing this post, Hercules will pass 20'000 views. There are currently 27 members and 101 guests on the board. This is getting sceary. :D
