How many people have issues with their rear hatch gas shock supports in cold weather? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many people have issues with their rear hatch gas shock supports in cold weather?


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Elite Explorer
November 11, 2005
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City, State
Brooklyn, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
88 89 93 95 96 Aerostars
This seems to be an ongoing issue which happens every year as soon as cold weather sets in. The gas shocks supporting the rear hatch don't work when it gets cold then come back to life when it starts to get warm outside. New shocks usually last that season, then when it's the following cold season, the same issue occurs. I've tried different brands but it didn't make a difference. There are different types of shocks for various weight capacities such as with or without glass or a rear wiper as an option. Did anybody find a brand which doesn't seem to fail in cold weather? We have members from Canada where it's cold for extended periods of time so they might have found something good to use.

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I believe I'm in the minority, but the supports on my 94 are the factory originals, and they still work as good as new! Even in the cold weather, all I have to do is give the liftgate a little tug, and it goes all the way up by itself!! Saying that, I'd go with motorcraft, or whatever the OEM was, if you can find it.

I've gone through countless gas shocks over the years, but this is the first time that I've heard about gas shocks lasting this long. It was a little warmer today so they worked. They didn't work yesterday when it was cold. Those shocks must belong to some sort of shock labor union where they only work when the weather is good then they go on strike when it gets cold. :banghead:

There are videos on Youtube of people drilling, soldering valves on the body of the struts and using a high pressure pump to refill the cylinders.

I must be lucky, my 96 still has factory supports that work fine, But now that I said that the hatch will most likely hit me in the head tonight :) Hell the starter finally **** the bed last Sunday and it was original as well, I guess I will look at all the original parts this spring.

I've not ever had issues with gas struts here. It may only go to zero just a few times a year and average between 20-30 over a winter. I've replaced struts, but only due to age and because the seals failed.

Here in NC, you can expect a few cold snaps, and that'll test your struts every time! A few years ago, when there were a handful of vans at pull-a-part every trip, I'd check any that had the hatch open. If there was decent resistance, I'd buy them. But as supplies dwindled, I just cut a 1x2" piece of wood prop.

Don't have an Aerostar, but go through this every 2.5 years or so on my Explorer hood struts. Bought Autozone Mighty Lift brand back when they had a lifetime warranty, have replaced a half dozen times or more since then, BUT they no longer have a lifetime warranty bought new today.
