How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions

Alright, good enough for me! Thanks.

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I guess it's my turn to clear this hurdle. The body lift got here a week ago. Got both bumpers off this morning, pb'd the body bolts, going to go over the instructions for tomorrow. Realizing I should have purchased the warrior shackles to swap while the rear bumper is off. Going to order them now, and just wait replacing the rear bumper.

I call feel everybody wishing me luck.:biggthump


just need to make the rear bumper brackets and the bumpers can go back on. Still planning on leaving the hitch on. Next possibly is quick disconnects for the sway bars, and more spray paint for the frame.


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This is an awesome thread - and really appreciate the work put into it. I am looking at lifting my 99 but not sure yet which way I want to go. Ultimately I would be fine with 32x11.5 BFG A/t's

First off, great thread, definatly informative. I may have missed it if someone already asked this but is it basiacaly the same for doing a BL on a 2nd gen? I've been trying to find a BL for my '97 with absolutly no success.

Absolutely, the thread was done on a Sport which is technically a 2nd gen.

Really, I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

I have a 2000 four door and am mostly done installing my PA 883 kit. I thought itd be a lot harder than it actually is. Everything went off without a hitch except the kit bolts are all too long!! Has anyone else run into this problem??? Only four of the bolts are short enough so far- the two shortest bolts work with two extra washers on the kick plate bolt locations, and the very rear cargo area BTF bolts work with the longest bolts. All the other bolts are way too long - so much so that I've had to run out to try to find some shorter ones. I'm wondering if PA's kit has loose quality control standards or if it's a fluke or if this is common?

Also - I've found that rather than drilling out the front engine bay BTF bolts and going upside down with a nut with them - they will thread in from the top just like all the others, thereby eliminating the need to drill them out. Thoughts? Thanks guys. Good write up

I just ended up drilling them all out, except the rear one by the lift gate, and put lock nuts on the bottoms of them.

anyone know if a 01 sport trac body lift will work with my 01 xlt? please help!

if you already have the lift kit. read through the instructions and see where the differences are in the two trucks.

I put a 1997 f-150 body lift in my 1997 xlt v-8 explorer. I didn't need everything that came with the kit and I had a few extra blocks left over.

so it may just work with on an xlt. you really just need to go through the instructions and see.

i have not ordered anything yet because i did not know what to use.

Order the 883 for the 98-01 Ranger. You will have tons of leftover parts but everything will be there that you need. Buried in this thread there is a link for body to frame bolts. It'll tell you which to use where which confused me at first.

Bountiful writeup. I just want to add on a little. The stock groundwires are long enough so the new brackets are not nessessary. I used them and had grounding/ charging problems. Removed them and now everything is fine

i just put the BL on my 99 4dr and i gota say this write is awesoe to go buy, me an another did it in 5 hours total with a dinner break haha!

i wanna post a pic but idk how on here

new to the forum, love this ive already ordered my shackles and learned a great deal in a short time (thanks for that). Now on to my question, my buddy seems t o think that doing the body lift+TT+Shackles will have a negative impact on my track bar? Has anyone had any issues with this? or had to make adjustments so that it wont effect the track bar? Thanks in advanced!

new to the forum, love this ive already ordered my shackles and learned a great deal in a short time (thanks for that). Now on to my question, my buddy seems t o think that doing the body lift+TT+Shackles will have a negative impact on my track bar? Has anyone had any issues with this? or had to make adjustments so that it wont effect the track bar? Thanks in advanced!

For a little giggle have him show you the track bar. You do not have one on your truck, so lift away.

For a little giggle have him show you the track bar. You do not have one on your truck, so lift away.

Sweet thanks! I told him that but i wanted to confirm again as to have an educated response! Thanks!

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Sorry for my question but I need to know that it is possible to put this Body-lift 883 in my Explorer to? Here in Germany this Body-lift has been listed as a lift for a Ranger.
How much does the Lift cost in USA? If I by it in I have to pay around 400$ incl. delivery.

Best regards


Explorer 2000, 4L SOHC 4WD, Liquid Gas, 32” Tires BFG AT, Flowmaster50.
