How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions

yea it helped me alot, the shifter cable is really tight thou.

If you havent already looked along the firewall, if you follow the shift cable down, there is a tiny black retaining clip that holds the cable against the firewall. I had the same problem and this gave me about an extra inch or so of wiggle room to get it to sit just right.

Also, thanks Shadow Raven for the writeup :):thumbsup: used it when I did mine right along side the BL instructions haha

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i seen that but it looks like i have to cut it off of there. i will do that tomorrow. im also going to look in the cab to see if theres a little slack to push threw the firewall?

I tried that too but its pretty tight inside the cab. you might be able to get a little slack from around the cavity above the pedals but not much. the clip should just pop out of the hole with a little force somewhat like the door panel clips or you could just cut the clip since you have the body lift on you probably wont be needing the clip again.

No problem man. Glad to be of help to the community :cool:

You helped me choose a path for my car thanks!!

:thumbsup: Well we have the exact same model and year, so anything you need help with, give me a shout! If I can't help you, definitely someone else on here can :cool:

Inch and half.....maybe 2?

Hi, new to the forum i have an 01 sport and lookin to make it bigger and more fun, i saw one kit by superlift but it was almost $2000...any ideas?

Hi, new to the forum i have an 01 sport and lookin to make it bigger and more fun, i saw one kit by superlift but it was almost $2000...any ideas?

The Performance Accessories Body Lift made for the Ranger. For you It'll be part #883 i believe. You don't gain any ground clearance with the suspension lift because of the torsion bar setup that our explorers have. then after the body lift you can do a torsiontwist and add the lift shackles. If you search the forum here you will find much more information about the options and installation writeups too.

Is this the same writeup for a 99 ex sport?

I would like to do a 4" body lift, will i need to extend anything?? and is it possible to make my own extension parts? (like for the steering shaft)

just do a 3" body lift, everything is pretty much maxed out at 3 anyways.
I have noticed since doing the body lift that in this really cold weather the whole body creeks alot more

hrmm, ok well would it be easier/cheaper to make a kit from scratch or just buy the one and modify it?

well really not much modifying has to be done, if you want to save a little cash get the summit kit.
i went with the performance accessories kit because i dont have a credit card to order from summit.
the front bumper install was all bolt on, just make sure you have a torch and a really good drill bit to drill out the front mounts.
or if you peice it together you can buy the lift blocks really cheap but you need rad drop brackets and the metal sleeves they sit in, then you need all the bolts, threadlocker, custom fab up a steering extension, make all the bumper brackets and plus you dont get the cool warning sticker ahaha

:p its probably just better to buy it, i know i could make it, (and i mean properly not ghetto rigged), but by the time its done it would probably be faster.

i sooooooo wanna do this to mine

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OK This thread is great, but I have been searching for Bolt Length for an eternity. For some reason my searches returned nothing.

Here is a thread that contains more technical detail on the lift

Thanks for 99Ex22 for posting it and 71Cutty455 for pointing it out. That thread has the info I needed to create my custom lift

OK here is a Diagram I put together for the bolt layout this may also help those trying to find the bolt locations.
