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How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions

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The 153's are located in this PDF file from that webpage.

Yeah, no note in that PDF file. But I'm sure the principle is the same. Long side up to make sure it doesn't hit the frame.

Yeah, now that I think about it, that does make sense. I guess I should be ok for now though since I'm only 2WD and don't plan on doing offroading, haha. I'll keep an eye on it, and if it becomes an issue then I'll flip them around.

your wheels

what did you paint your wheels with. i have been wanting to do that. did spend a bunch of money powder coating or did you use a old rattle can of some sort? is it holding up well? thanks jeremy

what did you paint your wheels with. i have been wanting to do that. did spend a bunch of money powder coating or did you use a old rattle can of some sort? is it holding up well? thanks jeremy

There's a thread around the forums somewhere that I used to help me do this. I bought 3 total cans of DupliColor wheel paint and a can of DupliColor wheel Clearcoat, and then used tape and newspaper to shield the tire from overspray. It was about 20 bucks total to do and really simple, just prepwork is the key to it. I used sandpaper, I think it was 240 grit, and also used Acetone (or something simliar) to sand/clean the surface for the paint. So far, it's holding up pretty well, a few spots show some where, but the best part about doing this is you can just yank the wheel off the truck and repaint it when necessary. I think I put like 3-4 coats of the black with 2-3 coats of clearcoat and so far I haven't had any issues. Hope this helps, let me know how it turns out. :salute:

Great Thread...Is that your Taurus X? THose cars are awesome!:navajo:

Haha, I noticed you quoted the entire thread before the edit, lol, I was like wtf is he thinking?! Thanks for the compliment, just trying to do my part for the site, and as for the TX, it's actually my dad's company car that he hauls his drug samples around in (He works for Eli Lilly). It's definitely much better than the POS Buick Rendezvous they gave him before it :p:

haha sorry about that, yeah my mom has a Taurus X and I love driving it. It makes good use of its 263 odd horses.

Yeah, it's all good dude, I've rode in it before with my dad and it's definitely got some umph behind it, thats for sure haha

I have a 96 Explorer is the only difference in the steering linkage? I could not find a write up on doing the other 3 inch lift.

i so want to do this but knowing me and my luck i would F something up. i do want to do the tt and shaks though. in terms of the truck i have a 97 explorer awd. my radio recently got jacked and one of the wires came out of the wire connection for the 4wd switch which sucks cause now my 4wd wont come on grantit i have an awd but still

I have a 96 Explorer is the only difference in the steering linkage? I could not find a write up on doing the other 3 inch lift.

The only difference is the steering extension and the rear bumper brackets. you need part number 853. you will need to order the 883 bumper brackets separately or make your own.

excellent write up...i wish my truck didn't spend 10 years in up-state new york...still to many im sure this will be an asset.

do you know if there is a difference in the 2001 and 2002 explorer sports? I want to do the body lift but i dont know which one to get?

thank you!

Hopefully someone else can back me up on this, but to my knowledge, it's pretty much the same. I suggest going through the pictures on my write-up and then looking at your truck and see if everything matches up. That way, you can know if anything is different, and can ask questions from there on what to do. Otherwise, if everything looks the same, lift away!

will this body lift kit work with a 01 explorer sport?

if so im ordering it today

They're the same. Use the same kit ShadowRaven did. :cool:

even if mine is 4wd?

im just checking

even if mine is 4wd?

im just checking

Yes, everything is identical between the 2wd and the 4wd in terms of what happens during a BL. The only thing that would matter would be the difference between an automatic and a manny.


WOW, that was a lot of great info, thanks for doing all the work of putting that together!! very helpfull!!

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Lift the radiator and shift it to the left to allow access to the lower radiator supports.

Im about to do this fairly soon to my 2000 XLT. When you say "left" do you mean the drivers side or the passengers side?? It kind of depends how you look at it... Thanks!

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