I fliped my moms explorer i need advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I fliped my moms explorer i need advice

I was on my way to school this morning driving my moms 98 5.0 Explorer xlt 4 door 4x4 it has every option and looked like the day it came off the showroom floor (the weather was too bad for my car) and i hit black ice and ended up doing a 180 through a streetsign into a ditch thats about 6 foot deep and ended up on the roof/ drivers side Im ok and my friend is ok we walked away with out a scratch but the explorer didnt fair as well our bodyman (a good family friend) said 9 chances out of 10 its totaled because the insurnace doesnt like to pay to fix suvs that have rolled i might buy it back and fix it some but i need advice for if its worth it i could buy it back if its totaled for about $1300 but heres the damages both front fenders wasted hood wasted the grill, lights and bumpers are fine drivers side mirior gone small creases in front and rear drivers side doors broken cargo rack, the rear hatch makes a loud poping noise when opening and it about an 1/8 of an inch from the left tail light and about 1/2 of an inch from the right tail light about 2 dents in the roof that are about 5 inches wide by 3 inches tall and about 3 inches deep one right above the right side rear window none of the glass is cracked or broke and the air bags didnt deploy i went in the ditch at about 20 mph i was thinking if i get it ill use redneck engineering an try to beat out the roof dents and bondo them and go get the rest of the parts from the bone yard and put some big tires on it. what do you think i should do?also i got a ticket and have to go to juvinile court since im only 16 i think its dumb because the <police officer> said it was mostly for taking out the street sign <comment deleted> also my parents arent overly upset about it all they cared is that me and my friend are ok but my mom doesnt like the rental that she has to drive now it a Geo Metro talk about going from a tank to a speed bump i think that car would fit in the back of my dads F-250

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If you can get it back for $1300 then it is probably worth rebuilding it.

I'd rebuild it. :D Or you could make about 6k parting it out!

First of all sorry to hear about your accident, it happens to the best of us.

Technically according to the new moderator crackdown on abusive and/or insulting posts I should have deleted this whole thread, but since you're new to the site I went ahead and showed you in your post what was unnaceptable.

We have members on this site from all walks of life and all professions. Calling a police officer a derogatory name will no more be tolerated than using a racial slur.

sorry to hear about the truck... i doubt that it will be fixed.... sounds liek too much for an insurance company to care about......


thats harsh man, sorry to hear

Thanks Gimp

I'm feeling great now!


Hey Blazer,
Roll overs are messy repairs. A lot of engine fluids end up in all kinds of funkey locations, the body will have some crazy gaps.
Personally I would not do get involved. Even though $1,300.00 is not much, you'll likely at least pay double that gettin her back up to snuff.

If it can be bought for 1300.00, go for it...See Jimabena74 for chopping advice:D

well im not going to buy it back because the insurance company wants way too much and the frame was badly bent.

also stephen im sorry for the name i called the cop in the first post and it wont happen again

Originally posted by BLAZER KILLER
well im not going to buy it back because the insurance company wants way too much and the frame was badly bent.

also stephen im sorry for the name i called the cop in the first post and it wont happen again

No problem pal, newbies get the extra slack ;)

Probably wise not to buy it back if the frame was badly bent.

Originally posted by MONMIX
Hey Blazer,
Roll overs are messy repairs. A lot of engine fluids end up in all kinds of funkey locations, the body will have some crazy gaps.
I see you are in the auto body business, but I would have to disagree. When me & my dad were rebuilding vehicles we liked the roll overs. I do have to agree if you were planning on fixing it yourself a roll over isn't one you want to start with. Most of the time we just cut the top off and start all over with one from the junk yard or just clip them so the door lines would stay factory.

Personally I would not do get involved. Even though $1,300.00 is not much, you'll likely at least pay double that gettin her back up to snuff.

As for buying it back I bet they will want more like $5,000.00 for it. $1300.00 is to cheap for a "98" even if it is wrecked.
As for the frame being bent on a roll over that doesn't happen all that often. Sometimes it will be diamond which is pretty easy to fix.

I say just let the insurance give you the money and go out and start over with another Explorer.

Sometimes it will be diamond which is pretty easy to fix.

It is !?!?!?!?!?!

Granted, what I do is 98% insurance work, ie collision repair. We do zero restoration, and rarely do total reapirs. Splicing pillars is not in the best intrests of our customers. We guarntee undetectable reapirs and stand by our work as long as they own their vehicles.
Based on that sort of warrenty there are some repairs we will not do.

Originally posted by MONMIX
Sometimes it will be diamond which is pretty easy to fix.

It is !?!?!?!?!?!

We just take it to the frame guy and he does it for us. That is one thing my dad won't do since we don't have a machine, plus we have seen to many people get hurt doing the pulling.
Granted, what I do is 98% insurance work, ie collision repair. We do zero restoration, and rarely do total reapirs. Splicing pillars is not in the best intrests of our customers. We guarntee undetectable reapirs and stand by our work as long as they own their vehicles.
Based on that sort of warrenty there are some repairs we will not do.
We have fixed cars that later were taken to another body shop and they couldn't find what we had fixed. My brother-in-law bought a Tauras my dad & I clipped the back end off. He took it to the Ford dealer because a light came on. When they brought it up in the computer it showed it had been in a wreck. When my brother-in-law told them what we did with it there were two guys from there body shop standing there so they looked it over and could not tell were we put the new piece on.
My dad will not do a job unless he knows it is as good or better then factory.
We had a pickup that we put a new top on it and a kid bought it and 4 days later wrapped it around a tree and then rolled it and it held up.
My dad's warrenty is just for a year, but that is all you have to do for insurance work.
I know most body shops won't do a lot of repair because of liability and it's to bad. There are a lot of good cars that go to the crushers.

Originally posted by Perry
We just take it to the frame guy and he does it for us. That is one thing my dad won't do since we don't have a machine, plus we have seen to many people get hurt doing the pulling.

Yeah, I guess that is an easy fix now isn't it?

doode that sucks.. it must of been FUN!! haha... i've flipped three vehicles in two years..

-my friend's 1998 honda civic, rolled it twice.. i got pictures!

-my mom's 2001 BMW 328i, tipped it on to its passenger side doing drifts on the backroads (BmW's are great drifters!!! the weight distribution is awesome 50/50!!!)

-my 1994 Toyota Supra, I bought the car wrecked from LA auctions.. two weeks later i managed to pull a 360 coming off a exit ramp doing 125mph.. there was a stop sign, i didnt stop in time and hit a light post.. CALL me CRAZY..

None of these were from drinking.. remember (DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE)... I'm just stoopid... i survived cause i'm superman..

Originally posted by clarkkent
doode that sucks.. it must of been FUN!! haha... i've flipped three vehicles in two years..

-my friend's 1998 honda civic, rolled it twice.. i got pictures!

-my mom's 2001 BMW 328i, tipped it on to its passenger side doing drifts on the backroads (BmW's are great drifters!!! the weight distribution is awesome 50/50!!!)

-my 1994 Toyota Supra, I bought the car wrecked from LA auctions.. two weeks later i managed to pull a 360 coming off a exit ramp doing 125mph.. there was a stop sign, i didnt stop in time and hit a light post.. CALL me CRAZY..

None of these were from drinking.. remember (DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE)... I'm just stoopid... i survived cause i'm superman..
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
thats alot of roll overs
ur so friggin lucky


So basically your telling me that your the reason why my insurance rates are higher than i want them to be.

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haha ur talkin insurace rates.. doode.. myne are crazy... the insurance ppl kno me by my name everytime i walk in..
