I fliped my moms explorer i need advice | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I fliped my moms explorer i need advice

I was on my way to school this morning driving my moms 98 5.0 Explorer xlt 4 door 4x4 it has every option and looked like the day it came off the showroom floor (the weather was too bad for my car) and i hit black ice and ended up doing a 180 through a streetsign into a ditch thats about 6 foot deep and ended up on the roof/ drivers side Im ok and my friend is ok we walked away with out a scratch but the explorer didnt fair as well our bodyman (a good family friend) said 9 chances out of 10 its totaled because the insurnace doesnt like to pay to fix suvs that have rolled i might buy it back and fix it some but i need advice for if its worth it i could buy it back if its totaled for about $1300 but heres the damages both front fenders wasted hood wasted the grill, lights and bumpers are fine drivers side mirior gone small creases in front and rear drivers side doors broken cargo rack, the rear hatch makes a loud poping noise when opening and it about an 1/8 of an inch from the left tail light and about 1/2 of an inch from the right tail light about 2 dents in the roof that are about 5 inches wide by 3 inches tall and about 3 inches deep one right above the right side rear window none of the glass is cracked or broke and the air bags didnt deploy i went in the ditch at about 20 mph i was thinking if i get it ill use redneck engineering an try to beat out the roof dents and bondo them and go get the rest of the parts from the bone yard and put some big tires on it. what do you think i should do?also i got a ticket and have to go to juvinile court since im only 16 i think its dumb because the <police officer> said it was mostly for taking out the street sign <comment deleted> also my parents arent overly upset about it all they cared is that me and my friend are ok but my mom doesnt like the rental that she has to drive now it a Geo Metro talk about going from a tank to a speed bump i think that car would fit in the back of my dads F-250

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Originally posted by clarkkent
doode that sucks.. it must of been FUN!! haha... i've flipped three vehicles in two years..

-my friend's 1998 honda civic, rolled it twice.. i got pictures!

-my mom's 2001 BMW 328i, tipped it on to its passenger side doing drifts on the backroads (BmW's are great drifters!!! the weight distribution is awesome 50/50!!!)

-my 1994 Toyota Supra, I bought the car wrecked from LA auctions.. two weeks later i managed to pull a 360 coming off a exit ramp doing 125mph.. there was a stop sign, i didnt stop in time and hit a light post.. CALL me CRAZY..

None of these were from drinking.. remember (DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE)... I'm just stoopid... i survived cause i'm superman..
No offense BUT, I wouldn't brag about all that. That's not exactly something to be proud of. I don't know how old you are (you seem young from your post) but I'm 32 and have NEVER flipped or even come close to flipping any vehicle. That's just plain ridiculous flipping all those vehicles.

And, your insurance rates SHOULD be high (125mph?!?!). I don't feel bad for you there. Just don't kill yourself man. I wouldn't want to hear about that.


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I certainly wouldn't be bragging if 2 of the 3 cars I rolled weren't mine. Maybe you should get some driving lessons or some common sence.:rolleyes:

i survived cause i'm superman..
Don't forget, the real superman is a quadrapalegic and possibly will be for the rest of his life. Please don't think that just because you got damn lucky that you are invincible, that's when you'll get hurt. And none of us want to see that.
BTW: If you're ever driving through central OH, please e-mail me with a warning so I know to stay off the roads.:p

Originally posted by stretch

BTW: If you're ever driving through central OH, please e-mail me with a warning so I know to stay off the roads.:p

Or sidewalks !

haha i'm not exactly bragging.. i'm braggin that i SURVIVED... I know these rollovers are dumb and idiotic of me.. but I knew "doing what i was doing" at the time could cause me to roll over..I didn't go into any of the stoopid acts without thinking.. Of course i don't drive like this on the streets.. I like playing stuntman on my sparetime with cars.. and i kno playing stuntman is stoopid, but its like "why jump out of a airplane?".. its because the thrill of the risk.. the only scary thing while driving a vechicle is "the transition from having control of ur vechicle to losing control of ur vechicle.. "

...nevertheless, you got any pics of those rollovers...i'd like to see um. :D

I am sceptical about all that braggin, would not mind seeing pictures and know little more about each roll-over...

I'd hate to be your parents. I'd probably kill you or slap you silly.

Originally posted by clarkkent
.I didn't go into any of the stoopid acts without thinking..

Thats scary.

Good Luck

Take a physics course and learn about the science of driving... if you're thinking about these acts, at least be educated.
In the interim, drive safely for 5-8yrs so your (AND OUR) rates go down.
You are lucky, but luck runs out.
I drive fast (I've frequented 100+), 4WD in sand, snow but you need to realize your (AND your vehicle's) limitations. Disregard for either will leave you 6' under and there are probably some that care for you.

We're about fun and safety with thrills (though some spills will occur)... stupidity doesn't fit into driving equations.
Good point about Superman, he's in a wheelchair and not invincible either.
Be safe and happy driving. Unless you have the wallet and lives to cover driving recklessly, avoid it for your safety as well as others.

This has been a PSA from <insert company here>. ;)

man, i hope you are not doin all this driving with other people around. You are a true nut, good luck Clark Kanevil.

Back by popular demanD! heres some pictures of the honda civic i rolled


Standing atop the wreckaGE!

Almost invincible!!! and i kno its very unresponsible of me. I've learned from those experiences and i'm taking those experiences to a new level! just wait till i start racing LEgally! haha! watch for me!

I almost flipped my BII after someone on the freeway cut in front of me with no initial speed (I was going 65). I ended up burning up a spot on my tires, (had to get new tires :mad: ) and completely doing an 180! I got sooooo lucky I didn't get into a wreck. Luckily, this is Reno, Nevada so the freeway system is pretty dead. I was very impressed with that BII. If that vehicle was half as tippy as the media said, than I would have tipped three times over!
Long story short, I ended up within a matter of 2-3 yards from the other guy- He stopped after he heard my tires screaching and asked if I was OK...:mad: :mad:
Oh yeah, he didn't pay for my new tires (they were BFG A/T).

Do you have pics of the bmw ? My friend has a 750, and yes, they are great vehicles for drifting. its just not the safest (sp?) ive ever done.

naw.. no pics of the bmw sorry.. that was my first roll-over and i didnt have a camera then. but after that first one, i started carrying cameras everywhere!

so do you have pics of the supra ? 125, that car should be flat.

i was going 125, but i hit the light post at 60.. Ever see what happens to tires after a 125 to 60 brake lock? haha the tires looked like someone took a sliver off the bottom.. i used to have pictures of the supra after the accident.. but these pictures will do here.. these are pictures of the rebuild..


After the accident we had to replace the rear axle, driver side side skirt, Tires of course, rear hatch, rear bumper(basically all of rear).. Luckily they were all the OEM parts and i was planning on replacing them with other aftermarket parts anyways..

looks good, so far. is it turbo'd at all ?

damm am i glad there is a law stopping 16 year olds driving mummys 4x4 here!!!!

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the car came stock W/O a turbo.. i'm adding a T78 turbo with a mix-and-match internals.. I'm calling this motor the "vampire motor" I've added some Suspension pieces off a Turbo Supra, shocks from tokico and camber and other suspension pieces by Tein. This projects gonna take awhile and should hopefully be done in two years! hehe :D It's sort of a money problem.
