Ipad , Google pad, Droid or ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ipad , Google pad, Droid or ?


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..This is for one of my customers and I know nothing about the pads so I thought I would ask here..:D

..My customer is a Verizon customer and an avid book reader..

..She can be found reading a book or 2 on her Kindle each day and the rest of the time she is on her desktop..

..She has a 17" HP laptop but it's to friggin huge to be considered portable these days..:rolleyes:

Must haves

Verizon wireless broadband (as well as wifi and hotspots a plus)

wants it to be "ease of use", link to Windows desktop computer for shared calender (constant business scheduling changes) and pictures taking (sizing, posting, on the spot sending).

...and of course full email reading and merging with Microsoft office and she still uses Outlook (not sure if she will need it but runs her desktop with these so compatibility may or may not be an issue)


..She has seen the new Ipad and loves the vibrance of the new hi-res improvement

rest of the family has Ipads


High cost for Ipad 3 ($900 for 64G)


The customer sent me this link for a Google Pad..(Due to its price)
http://www.staples.com/office/suppl... I+rWFfoNWp2X3hUg1h3VVwnX8jpkSEtLag3CioBAkQ==

..But also wondered what would be the long term best pad for their wants..Any help would be appreciated as she wants to pull the trigger within a week, possibly this week..:eek:

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..Any suggestions?

I like the Galaxy Tab 2 (7") a lot, but the iPod is the standard to which all others are compared.
