Is there a place I missed to turn on HD radio? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there a place I missed to turn on HD radio?


Elite Explorer
December 21, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Chesterfield, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer Timberline
I have a 2022 Timberline with the Technology Package (12 speaker B&O system). My brother was looking at my vehicle comparing it to his 2021 Ranger with the B&O system and asked me why I didn't have the HD Radio on. I wasn't sure. I did some searching and found some reports that it is just a thing I can activate via FORSCAN and it will work, but then others saying they needed a new module installed to get it to work. What's the official word? I saw a module on that plugs into the OBD port to "flash" and turn the HD on, but I already have FORSCAN access so if it's as simple as that, can I just do that??

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I have HD Radio, but it somehow got disabled with the whole Sync 22251 version.
It did not come back, despite the option being toggled to on. Dealer has the truck right now & that's one of the items they're supposed to be fixing.

I have HD Radio, but it somehow got disabled with the whole Sync 22251 version.
It did not come back, despite the option being toggled to on. Dealer has the truck right now & that's one of the items they're supposed to be fixing.
I can't even find the option. In the manual it says to go to the settings menu for the radio, but the only options I can find are the Sirius settings. No settings menu is present for the radio only.

Does your window sticker show a HD Radio removal credit? Maybe, being that it's built during the time of accessory removal credits, maybe yours doesn't have HD Radio?

Does your window sticker show a HD Radio removal credit? Maybe, being that it's built during the time of accessory removal credits, maybe yours doesn't have HD Radio?
No it doesn't mention HD Radio removal. The only removal credits are Auto Start/Stop and Wifi Hotspot. This one was built before they were offering credits. I'm second owner. First owner ordered this vehicle optioned up how he wanted for his wife as a surprise. She didn't like it so it was traded in at 810 miles and that's when I went to buy it.

.P265/65R18 A/T BSW TIRES

Does your window sticker show a HD Radio removal credit? Maybe, being that it's built during the time of accessory removal credits, maybe yours doesn't have HD Radio?
I don't think that's a thing. :)


I have a 2022 Timberline with the Technology Package (12 speaker B&O system). My brother was looking at my vehicle comparing it to his 2021 Ranger with the B&O system and asked me why I didn't have the HD Radio on. I wasn't sure. I did some searching and found some reports that it is just a thing I can activate via FORSCAN and it will work, but then others saying they needed a new module installed to get it to work. What's the official word? I saw a module on that plugs into the OBD port to "flash" and turn the HD on, but I already have FORSCAN access so if it's as simple as that, can I just do that??
After checking the Build & Price feature on the Ford site, I don't believe the Timberline has the HD Radio option.


After checking the Build & Price feature on the Ford site, I don't believe the Timberline has the HD Radio option.

Interesting. Thought it was standard equipment these days. Even the owners manual where it talks about HD radio doesn't specify the usual "if equipped".

In my Google searches I see that the Maverick only includes it if you get the B&O system. Also the F150 groups say that it doesn't show up for them but changing a couple of Forscan entries brings it up and makes it usable. My brothers '21 Ranger Lariat has HD radio and the B&O system.

I did reach out to 4DTech to inquire about it as he sells a lot of Sync related stuff. He doesn't offer anything HD radio related for the Explorer (really only a 10" screen upgrade and flash module to eliminate the horn beep on exit with it running). He said if I didn't have the toggle to turn it on then it's not there. That being said, I think in the Explorer ST forum some said the HD radio disappeared from the system after the latest Sync update.

I haven't actually checked my 2023 Aviator which I've only had a few weeks. I did the latest update a couple of weeks ago.


After checking the Build & Price feature on the Ford site, I don't believe the Timberline has the HD Radio option.

Just wanted to quote your reply again as I went to the Ford site to build/Price. It seems that the HD radio doesn't show as included with the B&O system until the ST-Line, Limited, ST, Platinum and King Ranch. It seems to skip over the TImberline even though it is higher in the lineup (between the Limited and ST). I realize that the Timberline is basically a dressed up XLT so that may be the reason. I'm not sure which module it resides in, but a quick cruise of ebay shows a HD tuner for a 2020 Explorer in the same box as the Sirius tuner. Wonder if it's something that can be added and programmed in with Forscan....

Here's the unit on ebay that has HD Radio.

Others will likely disagree, but you're not missing much. HD Radio broadcasts digital in the sidebands of current FM radio frequencies. It is very low bit rate / fidelity. Because the broadcast is digital there is very low noise or static, but the audio quality is not good.

Others will likely disagree, but you're not missing much. HD Radio broadcasts digital in the sidebands of current FM radio frequencies. It is very low bit rate / fidelity. Because the broadcast is digital there is very low noise or static, but the audio quality is not good.
I miss having it is all. My last Explorer (2007 Sport Trac) had it on the head unit I installed in it. It's not the audio quality I miss, but the extra channels. The station around here had extra channels for news/talk and sports. One had a 80s only channel and the country station had a channel for bluegrass and another for 90s country music.

My brother rubs it in with his '21 Ranger having it and my '22 Timberline not having it too. That's what hurts the most 🤣🤣

I haven't actually checked my 2023 Aviator which I've only had a few weeks. I did the latest update a couple of weeks ago.

I was unable to find HD Radio in my Aviator. Now whether it was there prior to the latest update I can't say as it's not a feature I have used in the past with HD-equipped vehicles.


If you go to the Audio screen and select sources or direct tune (I forget which), it will take you to a page where you can select AM, FM, Sirius, HD Radio, ...

If you go to the Audio screen and select sources or direct tune (I forget which), it will take you to a page where you can select AM, FM, Sirius, HD Radio, ...
I have gone there and there is no HD Radio selection.


I've noticed, since getting mine back from SVC.
It initially still doesn't load HD radio, I have to change the FM channel, then go back to the channel I was on, to get the HD to load.

I have gone there and there is no HD Radio selection.

Okay, I do have HD Radio. Confirmed it after reading a post in the Lincoln forum.
I chose FM as the source, although it should work on AM as well, and hit the "Seek" button. The first station it stopped at showed the HD symbol on the right of the screen in a light white colour. When I pressed on the logo, it changed colour and the numbers 1 and 2 were displayed.
Channel 1 is the standard broadcast, and channels 2, 3, and 4 are broadcasting digital HD channels. If you press any of those numbers and if active, the radio will switch to the HD channel you selected.


My 2023 Timberline doesn't (didn't 😉) have HD radio either. I used Forscan to enable it and now it works like @peterk9 described in his post above. There's still no HD button on the "Sources" screen (like my Sync2 Fusion has). @A1cntrlr you can probably enable yours with Forscan.

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My 2023 Timberline doesn't (didn't 😉) have HD radio either. I used Forscan to enable it and now it works like @peterk9 described in his post above. There's still no HD button on the "Sources" screen (like my Sync2 Fusion has). @A1cntrlr you can probably enable yours with Forscan.
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Where in Forscan did you find it? I haven't played much in it yet on my Explorer, but we're been using it on the Ranger. Is it in the BCM section?
