It happened again, another Explorer followed me home. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It happened again, another Explorer followed me home.


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
So I have a sickness...😆

This will be my Daughter's first car

2001 Explorer Sport
94k original miles, One Owner.
4.0 SOHC, Manual 5-Speed

Runs perfectly, I just can't drive 2 cars at once. Hence the trailer.


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Looks like it lived in a garage its entire life

Super score!
By 01 the 5 speed is strong and so is the sohc, being a sport it will get better mpg than a 4 door. What are the ring and pinions on that bad boy?

So I have a sickness...😆

This will be my Daughter's first car

2001 Explorer Sport
94k original miles, One Owner.
4.0 SOHC, Manual 5-Speed

Runs perfectly, I just can't drive 2 cars at once. Hence the trailer.

View attachment 451716
nice rig with low miles!!! is it 4wd? stick is definitely a nice skill to have, and i love driving it, just sucks on the 405 commute, if not i would be DD'ing something stick!!!

4x2, 3.73' s in the rear.

After a quick wash and vacuum, she cleaned up nice. She does need tires, and shocks. Tires are from the Bush era, and so was the Alpine stereo, amp and sub I ripped out immediately. Suspension is all original factory.






Nice score. Super clean.

Manual transmissions... good way to keep kids off their phones.

That's a nice first car.

Did the daughter request a manual transmission?

No, wife wasn't happy about that either, but you can't text and drive with a gear shift knob in your hand 😄

No, wife wasn't happy about that either, but you can't text and drive with a gear shift knob in your hand 😄
And she can't loan her car out to friends because no one can drive a stick anymore.

No, wife wasn't happy about that either, but you can't text and drive with a gear shift knob in your hand 😄
Text left handed.

And she can't loan her car out to friends because no one can drive a stick anymore.
This is the big one. I get alot of "can I borrow/drive your truck?"

1. You're in high school and you drive some nee car with tech and you dont check over your shoulder- you're gonna wreck my X in a minute
2. This thing drives alot bigger than your car
I wish I had the third one... "Can you drive stick?"

All the kids around here learn to drive a manual first, we raise them up on dirt bikes and atv’s that really helps when it comes time to drive a manual. My grandson and son both learned to drive around the property in a Diahatsu rocky way before they hit the drivers Ed class. Rocky in low range is slow and the clutch is tiny cheap and easy to replace hahaha

I just drive with my knees, although that is not easy with a Clutch.
Once the vehicle is rolling, I shift without the clutch. I'm guilty of looking at the phone when I'm out in the middle of nowhere, but the worst I've done is when driving through MO the ruts in the road are so deep I'd set the cruise in my semi truck then walk into the back to get lunch. Over 3 million accident free miles and counting.

You seriously went to the back for
Lunch while letting the ruts play bumper cars? Hahaha I can drive a stick and text and handle coffee and kids dogs and stereo

I’ve seen a girl eating a bowl of cereal at an intersection while driving a stick that was a good one my wife and I still laugh about that. We watched her handle the Bowl and spoon so it wouldn’t spill and negotiate the green arrow and left hand turn while eating during Denver traffic it was impressive to say the least
I mean I’ve seen people reading books while driving, of course applying makeup but the bowl of cereal and your story take the cake

You seriously went to the back for
Lunch while letting the ruts play bumper cars? Hahaha I can drive a stick and text and handle coffee and kids dogs and stereo

I’ve seen a girl eating a bowl of cereal at an intersection while driving a stick that was a good one my wife and I still laugh about that.
I mean I’ve seen people reading books while driving, of course applying makeup but the bowl of cereal and your story take the cake
Yeah, I seriously got up, stretched out and made a sandwich. Most of I70 has been repaved over the years so the opportunity has vanished. What made the road dangerous is when it would rain the ruts would fill up with water and vehicles would lose control even though half the road was dry.

So small update. Changed the oil, and found some issues.

1. Sway bar link bushings are non existent. There is literally nothing there, just a metal straw is all that is left.

2. The trans was whining a bit, and I found the fill plug completely missing. At this point I drained the rest to see how much was left, and it wasn't much. Drain plug magnet looked like mud. The fluid wasn't sparkling though. So maybe I caught it in time with hopefully little miles on it like that. Filled her back up and installed a new fill plug and seems to be fine.

Passed smog no problem though.

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You probably caught it just in time, or what life was reduced may never be realized. I hope to find one in that great of shape someday.
