Job Search for our EF Members... | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Job Search for our EF Members...

the search has been slow for me right now because of school. And the fact that I travel back and forth between LA and the Sacramento area a good amount :rolleyes:

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Update: I have been told I will see a offer letter early next week. :bounce:

Congrats.... hopefully you'll be back on your feet in no time and you won't have to get rid of the JP mobile


Congrats.... hopefully you'll be back on your feet in no time and you won't have to get rid of the JP mobile


as soon as I have a offer in hand, it is no longer for sale:D

Update: I have been told I will see a offer letter early next week. :bounce:

as soon as I have a offer in hand, it is no longer for sale

Congratulations!!!!!! Thats awsome news !!!

Congratz, it'd be a crying shame to have to get rid of JP.

Here's hoping that everything works out good for you, Stic-o!:chug:
I'd hate to see the JP mobile change hands! Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Got the Job Offer today:thumbsup: Explorer is no longer for sale! I will fill in the details on another post later today. Tak'n my kid to the Zoo!:D

Congrats Stic-o!

...Great news Steve...:salute:

...Anxiously awaiting the story...

Congratulations Stico! I am starting to see a good bit more openings within 50 miles from me and been putting my name in places like crazy.

Woohoo! I went to the local careerlink yesterday and there was a staffing agency there and I went through an application process they're hiring for a local bag manufacturer its temp- perm if they like me after 90 days then I go full-time permanent for the company. I go for a drug test today! I'm glad to finally hear from someone the last 2 weeks I've had to contacted over 30 places.

...Congrats Glen on the new job and for being relentless till you found one...:salute:

Thanks Tbars, its not the best job but at least its a job! And more money than unemployment. :)

Just FYI, my new company is looking for a lot of people still. So if anyone has a computer background and wants to move to LA. I was looking to see if Grant would fit, but we don't have a use for his skillz.

Is it all website design? Or is there warehouse work or shipping prep, anything like that? I'm cant afford to be picky. I'm pretty close too.

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Just FYI, my new company is looking for a lot of people still. So if anyone has a computer background and wants to move to LA. I was looking to see if Grant would fit, but we don't have a use for his skillz.

Not looking for warehouse or drivers are they? :dunno:
