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Photos Lets see those 2nd Gen EX/Mounty

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Painted with Rust-Oleum Black Night Metallic, 14 cans plus clear. Was white but after owning 17 years just wanted change.[/QUOTE

Thats nice. Howd u get the headlights and grille from the 3rd gen on there? The flares look nice too. What did you use?

Bought the 2005 headlamps, grille and Replacement Ford Explorer Headlight Mounting Panel (Partslink Number FO1221123) from Amazon, cut the headlight mounting area from the mounting panel to mount the 05 headlights - keep the stock 95 center section, used brackets to join both headlight areas to center section. Cut 95 turn signals to fit after mounting headlights, grille fit just fine.

I made the flares from sheet plastic ordered from Amazon using 3M mounting tape and glue.

I can do a write up with pictures that I took.

Bought the 2005 headlamps, grille and Replacement Ford Explorer Headlight Mounting Panel (Partslink Number FO1221123) from Amazon, cut the headlight mounting area from the mounting panel to mount the 05 headlights - keep the stock 95 center section, used brackets to join both headlight areas to center section. Cut 95 turn signals to fit after mounting headlights, grille fit just fine.

I made the flares from sheet plastic ordered from Amazon using 3M mounting tape and glue.

I can do a write up with pictures that I took.

I like the way both look. Even more so with the new color. I'd be interested in the write-up

Will post write ups on both tomorrow on 2nd gen modified with photos of templates I made while making flares. Thank you for the compliments.

Painted with Rust-Oleum Black Night Metallic, 14 cans plus clear. Was white but after owning 17 years just wanted change.

Looks great!

What is that front bumper though...? It's not off another Explorer.. Is it?

Almost looks... Taurus-ey?

Front bumper is stock for my 95 Limited

Front bumper is stock for my 95 Limited

Sorry, my mistake! I'd never seen that bumper on a 2nd gen. I like your truck. Did you make those taillight pods yourself?

sort of........mostly I like to modify almost anything on the truck


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Here's some shots of mine from a back country trip last week.

I'll put more in my registry.

Accarguy, what brand are your front turn signal housings?

Modded, do you have a list of your led mods and/ or any write-ups for them? I seen your tail lights and have an idea of my own on those. What about the blinkers on the mirrors and other stuff?

Modded, do you have a list of your led mods and/ or any write-ups for them? I seen your tail lights and have an idea of my own on those. What about the blinkers on the mirrors and other stuff?[/QUOTE]

Those blinkers are motorcycle turns imbedded in to mirrors, I also have LED daytime running lights (mostly because of the dark gray paint is hard to see). I added front turns in the grille because I cut the old ones off to mount the 3rd gen head lights. I'll post write ups in the "Performance Lighting" section on the mirrors and daytime running lights.

I really like the look of this truck and what you've done !

Did some light wheeling this weekend. I put together a trip of 6 trails spread over 2 days. One of the better poser shots:



I was the only one in the group of 4 rigs to keep all 4 tires in contact with the ground.

Great shot, It looks really well balanced. It would be interesting to get pics of your Ex and mine on the same line to see how much better yours works.

Accarguy, what brand are your front turn signal housings?

I got the turn signals and headlamps off amazon. There are the anzo chrome ones.

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Awesome photographs, wish I lived in an area like that
