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Photos Lets see those 2nd Gen EX/Mounty

Just finished my sas and rebuilt the tranny too, might as well put her through her paces playing tow rig and camping. Haven't wheeled hard ... Yet


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That SAS look pretty good. A little tough to tell with that boat trailer pushing the back end down. Looks like a 4 link set up? I just got my new springs. They are ZJ lift springs from Iron Rock Offroad. I need to cut about 2 coils out to get my desired height and spring rate. Hope to have them installed in about a week.

That SAS look pretty good. A little tough to tell with that boat trailer pushing the back end down. Looks like a 4 link set up? I just got my new springs. They are ZJ lift springs from Iron Rock Offroad. I need to cut about 2 coils out to get my desired height and spring rate. Hope to have them installed in about a week.

Nice ! Let me know how it feels when you get them in. Back end looks pretty low from the picture angle, boat and being pretty loaded, plus the tent. On level ground with no weight she is 3" shorter in the rear, once I take the sloped BL out she'll sit even and going to add 150 leafs to raise the back a couple inches for a nice rake




Here's my 99


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How does the swing out attach to the factory bumper? Is there more support underneath?

Ya, years ago I built a hitch hidden inside the bumper by modifying the stock bumper brackets, and I did it with a tire carrier in mind for the future, so I built off of that. Not my idea, Jefe did it first, but I put my own spin on it.




Ya, years ago I built a hitch hidden inside the bumper by modifying the stock bumper brackets, and I did it with a tire carrier in mind for the future, so I built off of that. Not my idea, Jefe did it first, but I put my own spin on it.




I had this idea floating around in my head for a while also. Very clean looking when it is all done. Unfortunately I discovered that I would really like to have a bit of side protection so a complete bumper is in my future.

Very nice finish indeed!

Just did a 2" TT / shackle lift. Added BFG AT 265/75/16 which are on clearance at Pep Boys for $135 a tire.


Be careful with those wheel spacers! Looks good though.

I was, yours looks a little bit wider than normal to me so I assumed you had small ones. But no spacers, even better!

Nice job on the wing dude. I have to cut and glass mine and get her done. Lookin good.

Thanks! I used a plastic welder with ABS rod. This is actually the second attempt! The first one, I used epoxy. Well, in the AZ heat it bowed in the center and cracked again. So then I decided to use the plastic welder I've had for years! Going on 4 months now and it still bows, but no cracks!

Sas completed and f150 leafs soa



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