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Lift kit help for a beginner


September 21, 1999
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I am going to get my first car probly this weekend, a 1996 explorer sport 4x4. I am planning to lift it 2.5-3" so i could fit 32" tires on it. because of cost i am looking to get a body life vs. a suspension lift. What do you all recomend i get? also, what does a body lift require by the means of tools and labor? i am not that experienced by the means of cars, but have a friend who does, so would i be able to do it? also, please feel tell anything else i need to know about doing all of this.

Thanks alot,

Try using the search feature and search by keywords. There have been numberous discussions on +95 Explorers.

Hi Adrian.

Is Fernandez your last name?
Are you considering your diferential's gearing when planing to mount 32" tires? Remember that you will need low gears when you use big tires or your's truck performance will be badly affected.




If I were you I would not go with a boday lift as the first lift you get on your Explorer. My friend just got a 3" body lift on his Explorer 2dr. and in my opinion I think he should have gotten a suspention lift first. Now you can 3" of frame and spare tire. If you Torsion bar lift and some ad-a-leafs in the rear you can get a 2" lift for not very much $$$.. Plus the Tire dealers are still giving him a hard time about putting 32" on it.

I have not checked lately. Is there a body lift for the 95+ Explorers Yet?

Kris Guilbeaux
