Locker: what are ya'll running? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Locker: what are ya'll running?


Well-Known Member
November 12, 2008
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'99 XLT 4x4
What kind of lockers are out there and what do you have in your rig?

Im in the market to get and install one with a small budget.
Ive searched and done some reading just curious as to what people have and run and reccomend.

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I'm planning on an aussie for the back and would put one in the front if they hadn't disscontinued it. Jason's no-slip performs really well in his as that thing can make it up stuff a Jeep on 37's was struggling with.

ARB in the front. LSD in the rear for now. Trying to figure out if I'm keeping the 8.8 before I drop the rest of the money for the rear ARB.

If you can, spend a little more in the beginning and get a good locker. The ARB was my 2nd one because the first one sucked and broke.

I'm running a detroit true-trac in the 8.8 rear of my 04 F150. It's not a locker, but it's supposed to be the best LS on the market. I have no complaints.

The only experience I have is with an Aussie Locker, and it was all good.

This may sound silly, but I really miss the "clop clop" sound it made when making sharp turns. It almost sounded like horse hoofs hitting pavement, or even this


Aussie's front and rear. I've had the front in for a couple years now, it's always performed flawlessly. Just put the rear in, and I mean JUST. I filled the diff with gear oil this morning and just returned from its maiden voyage 5 min ago. All seems to be working as it should.

yeah Aussie is what ive been looking at and reading up on. Not badly priced either.

Jon thats not silly thats funny.
Now what about installing these things yourself? Scale 1-10 10 being the hardest, what would ya'll rate it at?

I had NEVER played inside a diff before. I had opened them up to replace the gear oil and I understood how they worked, that was it. I finished my install on the rear in around 2-3 hours by myself, no trouble at all. Just don't refer to Aussie's directions, they will scare you. Check this link out instead. The front will be a bit harder, just because you have to pull the axle out to do it.

Im thrilled with my aussie locker. Its simple, not really much that can break if it was installed right, and with the diff out of the truck, it took me 20 minutes. it was in an open carrier, and my first locker install. And as long as you drive like you have a locker, the only difference you'll notice is what turdle said.

i plan on running an eaton detroit for my 8.8 in the rear because my local 4x4 shop convinced me that i would end up shelling the aussie (they had a few from other rear axles). then on the cheap side im in the process of welding the front gears together.

8.8 in rear with 5.13s limited and D44 5.13s thick with full spool up front

Right now I have the Factory LS, I do plan on having it repacked stronger. I have a friend who is one of the installer/mechanic at TnT Customs. He has done it with a few 8.8s and they work great.

I would love to put an Aussie in my IFS front, But since they quite making them I am SOL


ARB, on demand traction is awesome. But Air can be a hassle at times

Lockright front/ full spool rear

Wish i had the cash for ARB's, but what i have works and that's dough that could be spent elsewere. :)

ARB in the front. LSD in the rear for now. Trying to figure out if I'm keeping the 8.8 before I drop the rest of the money for the rear ARB.

If you can, spend a little more in the beginning and get a good locker. The ARB was my 2nd one because the first one sucked and broke.

And what was the first one?
Just trying to get all the facts before I purchase one. Or better... two.

I (had) Detroit rear and True-Trac front in both rigs. The combo worked very well.

rookieshooter said:
And what was the first one?
It was an Detroit EZ locker (lunchbox style) that apparently isn't rated for big tires. :(

aussie in the rear, open front

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It was an Detroit EZ locker (lunchbox style) that apparently isn't rated for big tires. :(
EZ Lockers are supposed to be pretty weak, but i blew a 9" carrier apart with one and the locker was fine. Weird stuff. :scratch:
