Looking at a '99 Explorer XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at a '99 Explorer XLT


New Member
June 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
As a first time poster, I'd like to thank the owners, mods, and users of the forum for their service.

I currently drive a '91 Explorer XLT with just shy of a quarter million miles on her. I got her as a hand me down from my parents when I got my license. Now I'm in college and need a more dependable ride. (The a/c is shot, it needs four new tires and has a severe need for new paint.) I really love the form and function of the Explorer, so my search for a replacement hasn't gone too far from home.

I'm looking at a '99 Explorer XLT with the 5.0. It's driven just over 100k miles.

My question is: What should I specifically need to keep my eyes open for? Did anything have a high failure rate and fail in a way that might not be too noticeable?

Thanks for your help!

EDIT: How do I identify if it has a MACH or "Premium audio" system?

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Thanks for the reply. How would I check the blend door, isn't it inside the dash?

Sorry about the audio question, the audio section did more than answer it.

There are several useful topics in your thread list, thanks.
