what to look out for in 99 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what to look out for in 99 XLT


July 3, 2007
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1999 XLT
I've got an oral contract on a clean '99 XLT with 4.0 liter V6, auto tranny, alloy wheels, and 108,000 odometer miles. The agreed price is $3500.

Our mechanic checked it out and found no problem except for the brake rotor and pads on the right front wheel, which he replaced.

I've never owned a Ford product before. This car is for my daughter to drive in her last year of college. She wanted an Explorer, and it had to be blue! (This one is.)

What do you think of the price?

What kind of problems should I be on the look-out for in a '99 with this kind of mileage? Is there any preventative maintenance I should get done immeditately: for example, changing the transmission fluid? (The PO had the engine oil changed last week.)

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First off which 4.0 is it, the SOHC or the OHV? Next see about the tranny, is it the 5 speed model or the older 4 spd? the only concern would be probably those, I personally own a 99 with just under 150K on it SOHC 4.0 and the 5 spd tranny. Everything works fantastic. Watch balljoints they are like the blazer issues, possibly tune up fresh fluids never hurt if the trannys been flushed before? as with any vehicle watch for obvious nickle n dimin' i'm sure there will be some for 3500 you can't beat that I kno my black beauty would have to pull 5500 for me to even entertain selling it... Check KBB mines loaded depends on what model shes got

what to look out for in a '99 SOHC V6 with auto trans

First off which 4.0 is it, the SOHC or the OHV? Next see about the tranny, is it the 5 speed model or the older 4 spd? the only concern would be probably those, I personally own a 99 with just under 150K on it SOHC 4.0 and the 5 spd tranny. Everything works fantastic. Watch balljoints they are like the blazer issues, possibly tune up fresh fluids never hurt if the trannys been flushed before? as with any vehicle watch for obvious nickle n dimin' i'm sure there will be some for 3500 you can't beat that I kno my black beauty would have to pull 5500 for me to even entertain selling it... Check KBB mines loaded depends on what model shes got

It's SOHC. I don't know how many speeds the tranny has, but it has overdrive, FWIW.

What do you look for in the balljoints? :eek:

Make sure when you wiggle the wheel place one hand on top and one on bottom. You can do side to side also, but the real problem is top to bottom. If it has play then you need ball joints.

Welcome to this forum! Jack the front up, and try to wiggle the wheel. It should feel firm, not loose.

by using a pry bar wen the fronts about 3 inches up you can check the ball joints. side to side is the tie rod, check the sway bar links. Then move to check the tranny and transfer case for signs of seaping could mean seals or blown rings. Cycle the 4 wd to make sure the motor inside the tfer case works, I'd probably look under the hood at the stuff to see if its all stock, at that mileage you've got batt, alt, possible a/c recharge, pwr steering pumps like to go, look at the manifolds and exhaust as its cheap stainless and it ain't cheap to fix..... Just from a mechanics son standpoint... Theres a million things go online and reseach 120 point safety inspection, my dad offers them and alot of certification processes require one.. it will tell u everything they check before they certify a used vehicle


Thanks, guys.

Er, what's a pry bar? :confused:

Is the SOHC a good motor?
