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M5OD-R1 HD swap 1994 ford explorer


June 20, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Stanwood Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT
I recently swapped a m5od-r1 hd transmission into my 1994 ford explorer that was originally an automatic. I got a new clutch, flywheel slave and master cylinders. After I went to start it up it sounded like the starter was sticking, I then pulled my (auto) starter and installed a new manual starter. I just got everything back together and it still sounds like it's sticking, at first I thought it was from the ignition still applying power, so I jumped the starter soleniod, still stuck. I tried shimming and still stuck, has anyone has this problem or know a solution?

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I recently swapped a m5od-r1 hd transmission into my 1994 ford explorer that was originally an automatic. I got a new clutch, flywheel slave and master cylinders. After I went to start it up it sounded like the starter was sticking, I then pulled my (auto) starter and installed a new manual starter. I just got everything back together and it still sounds like it's sticking, at first I thought it was from the ignition still applying power, so I jumped the starter soleniod, still stuck. I tried shimming and still stuck, has anyone has this problem or know a solution?
Is there a difference between the manual and auto transmissions? I have a 1991 explorer manual. But i want to go past the 85 mph limit. In other words is there a transmission that would fit that will give me that range of speed.

I recently swapped a m5od-r1 hd transmission into my 1994 ford explorer that was originally an automatic. I got a new clutch, flywheel slave and master cylinders. After I went to start it up it sounded like the starter was sticking, I then pulled my (auto) starter and installed a new manual starter. I just got everything back together and it still sounds like it's sticking, at first I thought it was from the ignition still applying power, so I jumped the starter soleniod, still stuck. I tried shimming and still stuck, has anyone has this problem or know a solution?
How old is the battery? Maybe it is getting weak. Can you turn the motor over with a wrench?

Is there a difference between the manual and auto transmissions? I have a 1991 explorer manual. But i want to go past the 85 mph limit. In other words is there a transmission that would fit that will give me that range of speed.
From personal experience, the automatic transmission will not hold up to excessive speed for long periods of time. Also if you post a new thread, someone is more likely to see it and help you out with your question.

How old is the battery? Maybe it is getting weak. Can you turn the motor over with a wrench?
The battery is fine, it turns over fine, it starts and it doesn't disengage when the engine is started

Is there a difference between the manual and auto transmissions? I have a 1991 explorer manual. But i want to go past the 85 mph limit. In other words is there a transmission that would fit that will give me that range of speed.
I swapped my transmission because it started to slip but with the auto I could go 100mph

I recently swapped a m5od-r1 hd transmission into my 1994 ford explorer that was originally an automatic. I got a new clutch, flywheel slave and master cylinders. After I went to start it up it sounded like the starter was sticking, I then pulled my (auto) starter and installed a new manual starter. I just got everything back together and it still sounds like it's sticking, at first I thought it was from the ignition still applying power, so I jumped the starter soleniod, still stuck. I tried shimming and still stuck, has anyone has this problem or know a solution?
Check diameters of starter pinion gears. It may be that there is not enough clearance to allow starter drive to disengage. Which would mean, if that's the case, the starters for manual trans. are listed as different part number. imp

Check diameters of starter pinion gears. It may be that there is not enough clearance to allow starter drive to disengage. Which would mean, if that's the case, the starters for manual trans. are listed as different part number. imp
Earlier today I got my hands on a starter for the correct year, make and model and it still hangs up, I think that I have it pinned as the starter relay, will test tomorrow

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