M5OD swap from 2nd gen into first? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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M5OD swap from 2nd gen into first?


Active Member
November 6, 2011
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City, State
Calimesa, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer 4x4
Hey guys, i've about had it with my evil a4ld in my 93 4x4, Ive got a possible deal on a 96 with a a blown motor but a manual trans. I imagine I can use this trans no problem, but I'm wondering about the pedal assembly, flywheel and some little things like that. I will probably put in a new clutch as well as slave and master cylinders.

So will the 2nd gen parts possibly work in my 1st gen? Obviously I'm going to need to find a manual computer from a 1st gen.

Thanks gentlemen :)

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Shouldn't be too bad as long as the donor is a OHV and not a SOHC

Shouldn't be too bad as long as the donor is a OHV and not a SOHC

OHC didn't come along until like 98 right?

In case you're wondering since you were kind following my other thread, I got the A4ld all going, put about 15 miles on it and the front seal blew started leaking bad. :thumbdwn:

I think so. Sucks about the front seal, happens sometimes when your coolant is low, but can be due to the converter bushing too. I too think that a 5 sp is the way to fix the A4. Hope fully with a manual shift transfer case too.

I think so. Sucks about the front seal, happens sometimes when your coolant is low, but can be due to the converter bushing too. I too think that a 5 sp is the way to fix the A4. Hope fully with a manual shift transfer case too.

When the coolant is low? I have the radiator bypassed and just have a 14000BTU B&M cooler if that's what you mean. I also have a trans temp gauge, it started leaking at between around 190-210F which I think is an acceptable temperature. Maybe the B&M cooler alone is not enough though.

Anyhow looks like I'm going to buy the 96 this weekend :)

Ah, didn't realize you had it bypassed.

Not sure about your temps there, that sounds much too high to me.

Let me do a bit of reading and get back to you. I was sure that 200 was overheated and a more normal temp is about 175.


Talks about how if you bypass your radiator cooler you have to jump a couple sizes and that the size you have is for a small car.

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Also the tube/fin type coolers are not as efficient as the stacked plate type.

I'm wondering if you had a proper cooler and had it hooked up to the rad you would still have this problem.

I wonder who would know better. Tbars4 has a temp gauge. Wonder what temp his runs?

I sent Ted a message to have a look at this thread.

Thanks Wood, I truly appreciate your help. The cooler I have is rated at 14000 BTU and 24K GVW, or according to that chart you linked, it is in super duty truck, or pickup pulling 7500lbs territory. It is a stacked plate type, not tube and fin. Just from googling i came up with 200F being pretty typical on a4ld's and that around 250 is overheated. Perhaps you are right though, I hate to even spend the money to put more fluid in this thing, but I will try hooking up the radiator and see if it works.

Edit: oh crap I just found my problem. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...KSpc1a&usg=AFQjCNEcFZ5ZfN7E7PHEjV4yGXKwosTmmA

My cooler is mounted exactly how it says not to in this doc lol

Double Edit: Found Tbars thread:
My temp sensor is installed exactly like his and his temps are much lower than mine, especially considering its was in the 50s here when I tested. Looks like I need to flip my cooler over and cut some new hoses.

Aha, that could be your problem. Hope that's all it is. You may be right about the temps, I've been meaning to install a temp gauge...

I was thinking that you had BTU and GVW mixed up, I should have asked.

I'm in the works to put a manual in my '94 after A4LD failure. The transmissions are the same, you'll want to put a new slave, clutch kit, and flywheel in it. I beleive the pedals will swap. A new master/slave cylinder kit is only around $100.

The biggest thing to find will be the wiring harness for a Gen 1 and also a manual computer for a '93-'94.

The '94 has EGR and two O2 sensors, my '93 has no EGR and 2 O2 sensors (Canadian mind you), I'm told that prior to the '93 they have 1 O2 sensor. I'm thinking you may need the manual for the year you have?

Ted, what temps does your tranny usually run?

Aha! Just reread your posts and saw that you edited your responses. Let us know how you did with hooking the cooler up to the rad and flipping it. Hoping it fixes your problems.

The '94 has EGR and two O2 sensors, my '93 has no EGR and 2 O2 sensors (Canadian mind you), I'm told that prior to the '93 they have 1 O2 sensor. I'm thinking you may need the manual for the year you have?

Hmm, will have to do some more reading on that then. I was eyeing up a '93 sport for my ECU. I'll have to check on the o2 count. Thanks!

Keep in mind mine is Canadian and that may make a difference. jd4242 is quite knowledgeable with that stuff and very helpful too.

My 93 has 2 o2 sensors and no EGR as well.

Speak of o2 sensors why in god's name did ford make them plug in in such an unreachable place! haha

Keep in mind mine is Canadian and that may make a difference. jd4242 is quite knowledgeable with that stuff and very helpful too.

You can keep the ecm you have and put a resistor on it(think that what it used) do a search. Finding a first gen 93 and before,manual ecm will be hard.

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Ps at 220* mine pukes,190* im stopping and letting it cool.
