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MFT Black / Blank Screen


August 18, 2011
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 XLT, 202A,
Just over 3300 miles and I have the black screen of death. Pulling fuses and disconnecting the battery on a new 35K car is totally unacceptable. Its going to the dealership this afternoon.

They are going to look at the myriad of rattles this thing has too. It sounds like a gypsy wagon going down the road. WTF??????

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Just over 3300 miles and I have the black screen of death. Pulling fuses and disconnecting the battery on a new 35K car is totally unacceptable. Its going to the dealership this afternoon.

They are going to look at the myriad of rattles this thing has too. It sounds like a gypsy wagon going down the road. WTF??????

80 miles on mine and i got a black screen while messing around in the nav screen. After a minute or two it performed a scheduled maintanence reboot. Worked fine after that.

Just over 3300 miles and I have the black screen of death. Pulling fuses and disconnecting the battery on a new 35K car is totally unacceptable. Its going to the dealership this afternoon.

They are going to look at the myriad of rattles this thing has too. It sounds like a gypsy wagon going down the road. WTF??????

Hi, Nick!

Keep us posted on the outcome! Feel free to message me if you need any help.


Mine is at the dealer now. I did try to pull the battery cable and I did pull the fuse but that did not work. The radio would work for about two minutes then it would go to audio off. The screen would never go on.

Soundsl like some deeper issues.

Mine is at the dealer now. I did try to pull the battery cable and I did pull the fuse but that did not work. The radio would work for about two minutes then it would go to audio off. The screen would never go on.

Eaglelake -

I'm with Spengracin on this one. I think going to your dealer was a very good idea. Let us know what happens!


Hi, Nick!

Keep us posted on the outcome! Feel free to message me if you need any help.


Can you explain this "system maintenance/service" thing? Should it happen routinely on its own? Randomly on its own? Does it only happen after issues? It happened to me today after an instance of BSD (Black Screen of Death). It took 4 restarts of the system for BSD to resolve and MFT to reach the maintenance screen and everything to work again. Thanks.

Yes, Rebecca can you ask the engineers, I get it about once a week, no issues prior to this update, trying to find out some common ground or reasons for this update.

In the 9 months that I've owned my Explorer, the system maintenance has only happened twice.

In the 9 months that I've owned my Explorer, the system maintenance has only happened twice.

So I just had my first BlSOD tonight. Started the Ex and backed out of the garage. No events that would indicate that something was going wrong. Just didn't come up. Backup camera didn't come on. Couldn't access anything - including the climate controls for rear heat, etc. All I could think of is that if I were on a trip and didn't know how to fix it, I would be livid.

Disconnected the negative cable from the battery and it restarted the unit after I reconnected. I didn't feel like a contortionist tonight so I didn't crawl under the dash for a fuse 29 reset.

This is the first problem in a while. I did have a screen lockup on v2.4, but not the BlSOD before. I'm heading to my dealer tomorrow for a remote entry install and will have this noted in the vehicle history in case something else starts going wrong with MFT.

The fact of the matter is that it shouldn't happen at all to anyone. Lots of cars out there from other manufacturers running with zero problems. Ford rushed this to production. It had to have had field test failures prior to release. That someone said "hey, we're 90% there, release it to production" was the worst move Ford has made in a while, and one that has tanked their customer satisfaction ratings.

If this new version to be released in 2012 doesn't TOTALLY fix the issues, they should be thinking about how they are going to compensate all the owners out there for the kludge they have inflicted upon us.

Don't know if this is connected or not - but my Black SOD coincided with the change in my Sirius subscription from the free premium version with most all the channels to my renewal, which is a different version.

I didn't even realize that until I was travelling yesterday and couldn't get above channel 184. I called Sirius and (finally) found someone who could explain why.

Then it hit me that the black screen happened at the same time as the change.

Well, we've had the car for about 5 months and put about 5,800 miles on it and got our first black screen of death tonight. Still running 2.8. Not going to bother with an upgrade until the new MFT is released. Nothing we did would make it come back, I see a fuse pull in my near future. Damn.

Well, we've had the car for about 5 months and put about 5,800 miles on it and got our first black screen of death tonight. Still running 2.8. Not going to bother with an upgrade until the new MFT is released. Nothing we did would make it come back, I see a fuse pull in my near future. Damn.

Hi, lexrid!

If the fuse pull worked for you, you may want to consider updating to 2.11. We implemented an automatic reboot for black screen issues and you won't have to pull the fuse if you do update. Let me know if you have any questions!


Hi, lexrid!

If the fuse pull worked for you, you may want to consider updating to 2.11. We implemented an automatic reboot for black screen issues and you won't have to pull the fuse if you do update. Let me know if you have any questions!


At what point does this "automatic reboot" occur? I got the Black Screen this morning, stopped and restarted the vehicle 5 times and still no screen. Pouring down rain so did not have the desire to get out and pull a fuse or disconnect a battery.

Between this issue and the constant wind noise from the windshield, this is the most frustrating vehicle I've owned in 20 years of driving. Heading to the dealer tomorrow. I'd probably end up leaving it there if the dealer carried anything other than Ford products.

Where is the FUSE!!!

2012 Explorer Limited. I cannot find the fuse to pull for the MFT reboot.
I have been upside down under my dash and cannot find it. Any have a picture of the location? The owners manual states below and to the left of steering wheel near brake pedal. Please help. This vehicle is a complete nightmare. I have pulled the battery cable but looking for a quicker fix and figured a fuse pull may be easier. I understand a fix is "coming" next year. How about I start paying my note next year when my car is functional. Put in some over time and get us the update next week. That is what I would have to do at work if I screwed up something this bad. My boss would not take: Oh, next year boss!

At what point does this "automatic reboot" occur? I got the Black Screen this morning, stopped and restarted the vehicle 5 times and still no screen. Pouring down rain so did not have the desire to get out and pull a fuse or disconnect a battery.

Between this issue and the constant wind noise from the windshield, this is the most frustrating vehicle I've owned in 20 years of driving. Heading to the dealer tomorrow. I'd probably end up leaving it there if the dealer carried anything other than Ford products.

Jkintn -

How did the dealership visit go and do you know if you have 2.11?

Some people may experience the reboot every day, whereas, others might never see it. It depends on several factors, such as: the system needing to clear memory, too many devices connected and running at the same time, etc.

2012 Explorer Limited. I cannot find the fuse to pull for the MFT reboot.
I have been upside down under my dash and cannot find it. Any have a picture of the location? The owners manual states below and to the left of steering wheel near brake pedal. Please help. This vehicle is a complete nightmare. I have pulled the battery cable but looking for a quicker fix and figured a fuse pull may be easier. I understand a fix is "coming" next year. How about I start paying my note next year when my car is functional. Put in some over time and get us the update next week. That is what I would have to do at work if I screwed up something this bad. My boss would not take: Oh, next year boss!

rsab72 -

One of the forum users posted pictures of the fuse box location in the following thread:


There is also another way of rebooting that you can find here:


Please let me know if you have any questions!


Took Mine to the Dealer...

was told nothing they could do other than disconnect the battery and wait for a few minutes. The service guy said the new update should fix the problem early next year.

At almost 7K mi, my 2012 Explorer MFT showed the "Black screen of Death"! :thumbdwn: This happened after a door was opened for awhile while the engine was off. Closed the door and started the engine. Then I noticed the black screen. With the postings I read, I'll try the following until one works:
- Menu > Settings > Master Reset
- Pull fuse
- Disconnect car battery
- Go to dealer (last resort) :)

At almost 7K mi, my 2012 Explorer MFT showed the "Black screen of Death"! :thumbdwn: This happened after a door was opened for awhile while the engine was off. Closed the door and started the engine. Then I noticed the black screen. With the postings I read, I'll try the following until one works:
- Menu > Settings > Master Reset
- Pull fuse
- Disconnect car battery
- Go to dealer (last resort) :)

Or, you could just wait an uncomfortable amount of time (5 minutes with the engine on), and it likely will reboot itself. Version 2.11 of the software has a "keep alive" timer which senses an unresponsive unit and reboots it.

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Frozen MFT while using Navigation

I've had the BSOD once or twice. This time as I'm driving with a destination set in the Navi, the ENTIRE system froze up....

- navigation screen froze on last view of the road
- satellite radio stopped
- no ability to use any of the 8" screen functions, nor the RIGHT 5-way button on the steering wheel.

It never changed, until I stopped, turned off the car and then re-started.

Sad.. I'm very much looking forward to a working MFT, rather than any more bells/whistles.

Also - I'm quite sure the iPhone (when connected via USB) is what jammed up the entire system... but it can easily do that on it's own.

I know this is usually related to memory overrun or bad error handling...

SUV-wise: it's a blast to drive :)
