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Moab 2001... take 2


Have you heard anything about those cabins you were talking about. If not I'm going to go ahead and stay at the Silver Sage if thats cool. :)


If you pass the McDonalds... you went to far. Like gerald said, you cant miss it. I think it's also right across the street from the Ford dealer. :)

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im was planning on running golden spike this time to so im in with u guys(gerald adn derrick)

NO, no, no Gerald I don't want to run the Proving Grounds I just wanna check it out.:) Alright then I will see you at 8:00 thursday morning. Hey this is pretty damn cool!! Does anyone else wanna join us for Golden Spike on thursday?

Hey Lee I thought you said that "Moab 2001......part 2" was goin to be just a few explorers? This is turning into a full blown "Serious Exploration":D


I did one check and couldn't find the cabbin I was thinking of. Give me the weekend to do a more thorough search. I did find a Cabin by the Park. It's for probably up to 4 or 5 people. This might also be an option if more than 2 people are looking for a place to stay.
They have a page on the web at
Maybe we can all stay together.

Originally posted by studdedx
Does anyone else wanna join us for Golden Spike on thursday?
Yeah I'd love to. . .except that I've got work and its a 12 hour drive out there and . . .:(

Got the paperwork today. Department of Interior!! I thought I was in trouble. :) There are a few rules though I'll post now so I can say I told you so.

1. No pets,weapons, or wheeled devices are allowed on park trails.

2. Campfires are not allowed except on river trips.

3. Use "Leave No Trace" caming methods to help preserve the backcountry.

All of these are not my rules, rather those of the Canyonlands. You got a problem... tell them. I'll just make sure we follow them.

Peter, I love it!! What do you guys say, wana all room together. I'd guess it would be about the same as the rooms would be. I'd like to get a room where ever at least on Thursday and Saturday. It really doesn't matter where to me. If we do go for a hotel, anybody want a roomie. We also have to go to the office at the canyonlands to pick up the finial permit. We need to be there by 4pm or we're SOL!! Looks like we leave Vegas early.

Studdedx, I've looked in the Moab book and can't find that trail? Got any more info on it.


They do still charge a fee to enter into the park, however they stop charging at the end of Oct. We just made it!! Saves us $5.00 :)

Can't wait to see everybody!!
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taken from the area by our campsite

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I think it would be cool if we could all bunk up together, so we could trade war stories and get to know eachother alittle better. Oh and for Clint-he just wants to get drunker then ****!!:p

Lee I have no idea about "The Proving Grounds" trail. Our 4x4 club president told me about it and told me to check it out if we had time to. Basically all he could tell me was just look at a canyon wall and thats "The Proving Grounds!!!" Even though he said it would be funny to see a grocery getter do it but I'll pass on this trip maybe I'll do it at "Moab 2002.":eek:

Ok well I'm going to be in Moab Wed. afternoon some time and meeting Gerald Thursday morning and White Rim Friday and Saturday. Hey I know how about upper helldarado on sunday? No, no I'm just messin with ya guys. This is going to be a fun packed weekend!!! Can't wait to meet you guys.:D


Thank you for the invite to the Moab trip over on the Rough Rangers board! I would REALLY REALLY like to go.

However, with the loss of my job due to the company closing :mad: , ALL of my recreation (including four wheeling trips) has to stop for financial reasons until I get another job :( . I hope to come on the next trip though!!!

Again, Thanks for the invite!!!

I sent out an email to the cabins, but have yet to get a word back. I may give them a few days and just go ahead and get a room at the Silver Sage. I have no problem with camping too. I'm sure we can find a place by the start of the canyonlands np and stay there. Which do you guys prefer? As long as it's not cold, it doesn't matter to me.

Also, I'm not sure what I'll be working the next week. I've taken Sunday of the next week off. Not sure if I'll have my normal Monday and Tuesday off the next week. I maybe able to join you with on a run, but I won't know till then.

Well everyone I won't beable to go to moab with you guys. I got new job and they won't let me off work to go so I'm SOL. I hope everyone has funa nd take lots a pics so I can see what I missed out on again.

Also I was just wondering if I'm the only one to cancel or what? This thread has sorta died. Well everyone have fun.

I've started keeping an eye on the weather. Man I hope everything stays like it is. If it stays like this I'm going to go ahead and camp out on Thursday night. Save some money that way. I'm sure we'd be able to find a spot somewhere by the National Park.

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I'm also going to have a new camera on the trip. Now I really cant wait :D

BTW...we still do have a few open spaces if anybodys interested.


Since Joe can't make it, are you interested in having me as a roomy on Thursday and again on Saturday night?

The way things are shaping up, I'm only able to make SEMA on Wednesday. I'm planning on getting into Moab mid to late afternoon Thursday.

It's going to be a full moon. Anybody interested in going to Arches NP and seeing Delicate Arch under a full moon? I want to maybe hike up there and blow a roll of pictures on that. Also the Windows and Turret Arch with the moon over the LaSal mountains has got to be an awesome sight.

See ya all there.


You still looking at staying in Mesquite? If so when you leaving. I'll leave Vegas an hour before and hook up with you to drive into moab.

I'd also be up for a hike Thursday night. Gotta test out the new camera.

ps.. anybody else up for camping out Thursday? I'm also up for a roomie on Saturday.


I'm staying at the Virgin River Casino in Mesquite. That's about 80 miles north of LV. For a $22/room I'll drive an hour after we're ready to call it a night in LV after spending the day at SEMA. Figure it'll be about a 5-6 hour drive to Moab from there. How about I'll buy you breakfeast if you meet me at around 8 am? Hit the road by 9 and be in Moab by 3 pm. Sunset in Arches NP to try out the new camera of yours.

I'm also trying to arrange a meeting with a photographer that I've communicated with over the internet. He does some beautiful stuff. I'll send you one of his pics via e-mail. When you stop salivating, you can get back to me and let me know how you like it.


Silver Sage is as ok with me. Or I can get us into the Comfort Suites for $62. I've stayed there and it's luxury compared to the Silver Sage. Also includes breakfeast (continental, you know - cereal, fruit, toast, bagels etc.).
Either one is ok with me.

Peter if you can get us in the Comfort Suites for $62 then heck yeah I'll split it with you. I was just saying Silver Sage because they are by far the cheapest in town, but I had no idea you could get in the Comfort Suites that cheap. I'm your roomie. When do you anticipate arriving? I'll be running the Golden Spike Thursday and really don't know when I will be rolling in. We're getting an early start so I am hoping for a mid afternoon return back to town.

Bad news for Derrick!!:(

This is Jason(derricks friend). It took me awhile to figure out how to work this thing. Ok but here is the bad news.

Derrick was in a car wreck wed. night after work. He was side swiped by a drunk driver on the way home from work. He is still in the hospital, hopefully out soon but he got banged up pretty bad. He broke his left leg and and broke 3 or 4 ribs and a collapsed lung. He was doing about 65 mph when he was hit and rolled the car he was driving. No he wasn't driving his X he was driving his moms car cause the X is in the shop. He told me last night to come here and post this and let you guys know that he won't be able to make it this time. So everyone say a little prayer tonight and hope derrick a fast and speedy recovery.:)

DAMN!!sorry to hear that and hope he gets better soon.


Sorry to hear about Derrick's misfortune. Pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery and hopefully he can make it to a 'Serious Eplorations' excursion down the road.

Gerald, unless I hear from you by Sunday night with a negatory message, I'll book us into the Comfort Suites for Thursday and Sunday nites. If you would have read the message I posted before the one you replied to, you would know when I'm planning to arrive. :D :D :D

Mid afternoon and then hopefully up to the Arches NP for some sunset scenery and picture taking.

See you there.

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Sorry to hear about Derrick. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Yeah Peter I read it but I also scanned the whole thread right before so I got brainlock :p Go ahead and get the resv; I am 100% sure to be there for Thursday and Sunday night.

Since Derrick is out now I don't think I'll have anyone to play with Thursday so I will move my trip back one day and arrive when everyone else does on Thursday by 3pm. I'll be either at the Comfort Suites or the City Market at 3pm. How about channel 1 on the CB again once in town and we will locate each other?

I am now desperately looking for someone to run with me from Sunday the 4th through Tuesday or Wednesday to hit Hells Revenge, Golden Spike, Metal Masher, and Seven Mile Rim! Com'n, someone HAS to join me!
