My 1996 Explorer with a 4R55E has no gears. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 1996 Explorer with a 4R55E has no gears.

RenoFord, If you have 0 psi, it's not the shaft or torque converter, the pump could be bad or there is a problem with the valve body. Which pressure did you check? Line or EPC or both. Separator plate gasket could be blown out, or a stuck pressure regulator. I would pull the valve body and check the separator plate gaskets.

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-BrooklynBay-Will do, thats what I was looking at in the manual, should be pretty accessable once the torque converter and housing are separated from the transmission.

-PopRichie77-I did the pressure test through the Line Pressure Tap. I didnt know there was another way to test the pressure. I read that detailed post on the valve body replacement and it seems pretty do-able.

Checking the pressure through the EPC, could this be a deffinative test for the EPC solenoid? How do I do this?

The EPC has a test port on the opposite side of the transmission. The main test port is on the driver's side, and the EPC test port is on the passenger's side. As for the pump assembly, you will need to realign the gears with a special tool after you open the pump.

If there is no line pressure (main pressure), there won't be any EPC pressure either. The EPC solenoid uses line pressure to regulate the the EPC pressure. If the pump gears are bad, the converter hub may be bad also, and the bushing that is in the bell housing.

Ok, so let me try and wrap my head around this...If there is no Line Pressure, then it has nothing to do with the EPC solenoid, the EPC solenoid only regulates the existing pressure. So it looks like Im going to drop the transmission and start in on the pump assembly and the converter hub.

BrooklynBay-Do you happen to know what kind of allignment tool I will need, and where I can get one?

Here is what it looks like, do an internet search for 5R55E pump alignment tool. You can get it here or where ever you choose.

Thank you PopRichie77, you have been a wealth of knowledge and support. It has been very much appreciatted.

Alright, problem solved, after tearing apart the front pump, I found a cracked gear in the front pump assembly, also found wear on both the torque converter and on the bell housing. I video taped the tear down, and will later post. All together new Torque Converter, Bell Housing, and Front Pump Assembly, 285.00!!! My transmission is back together as of tonight, I will be installing tomorrow! This has been an incredible experience, I could not have done it with out the guidance and recomendations from every one on ExplorerForum! Thank you, thank you. I will post more details after installation.

Bravo! Brooklyn Bay nailed it back in post #20: "Check the front pump gears".

Brooklyn!! Thank you, it is soooo sweeet! Drove about 30 miles today, it took 7 quarts of tranny fluid, although the book said 3 quarts. Shifting was a little sporatic between 1st and 2nd gear for the first few miles and it slipped a couple of times, I believe the computer was re-learning because it seems to be fine now. The only thing that may be an issue is that when I am at MAX RPM I can hear a little squeek, it may be a fan belt, I kicked it into nuetral and reved it up and didnt hear it. I will pay close attention to it over the next couple of days and see how it does. Other than that it seems to be running very well now, smooth shifts, great kick down, alot of torque when I want it. I am very very pleased. As I said before, I will post the videos that I have, they arent the best due to me being the camera man and trying to work on it. But maybe it will help some one else! All together, fluid, gaskets, filter, Torque Converter, Bell Housing, and Front Pump Assembly, I spent 380.00. A far CRY from the 2400.00 rebuild a local tranny shop said HAD TO BE DONE. I did buy also buy a 0-300psi pressure gauge(19.99) and some wrenches but Im not counting that as cost to fix. What I learned from all of you could not be found in my ATSG, Chilton, or Haynes, I really truly am Thankful!

i'm having some trouble with my transmission also....any info is app...

it's a 1997 ford explorer xlt 4wheel drive.. recently my transmission out of no were made a noise then when i got home it had no reverse, no act's like your power braking it in those gear's..but "n" is now a drive gear and "d" etc work's as before..i don't understand... can anyone figure this out...

jones1997xlt did you ever figure out what was the problem. I have a 96 that is doing the same thing. it is stuck ina forward gear in all positions yes even n and r if anyone has a clue please help. the trans was rebuild 40,000 mi ago. the last trans i had rebuild with this shop went 100,000 and was still going when i sold it. thanks for any replies

oops i think i have a 4r55 trans. trans code t

That sounds like a linkage problem. I would crawl under there and see if things are working properly when you move the shifter.

I agree with Robcarz, look at your linkage, also check the shift cable sheathing and make sure your cable is not slipping out of the sheath anywhere. But yes my problem has been solved, it was a cracked ring in the front pump.

trans trouble

Hey guys I have a 1997 ford Explorer XLT 4.0 sohc. 4x4 5r55e
In the last 2 weeks the trans started to slip at coasting speed and not run through the gears at the right time. When I say coasting speed it is when you go 45 mph take foot off gas then press it again and she hesitates then grabs its not a hard grab. I have purchased all the solenoids and the harness today Going to try to change them in the am. I wanted to know if im going in the right direction. got a code that the speed sensor in the top of trans and the one in the rear diff were bad so I changed them. Didnt make a difference but code is now clear. I did a driving test with my scanner and got nothing back.

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Somewhere on this site you will find a Ford transmission manual which has a very thorough troubleshooting section. Had to go there a lot back when I was having transmission problems.

One guy pulled his Ford tranny apart 3 times before he found the problem. Turned out it was the torque converter. I had a similar experience. Sudden failure of the torque converter.

I hope those new solenoids fix the problem. These are good transmissions and unless it has been abused and overheated it is probably OK mechanically.
Good luck hang in there.
