My 1996 Explorer with a 4R55E has no gears. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 1996 Explorer with a 4R55E has no gears.

the gasket came with the repair kit of the transmission

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I searched around here for a few hours,but didn't see much. SO heres my issue. Bought a 97 4L has 175xxx miles. Guy bought it from auction and said he drove it for about 2 months all was good,then one day he set out on his voyage and made it 1000' from his house to the stop sign,stopped went to go and nothing acted like it was in neutral.I buy it get it here and same thing,nothing just revs like its in neutral. When you put it in gear it dosent bog the motor down like it does when put into gear it will just rev up like in park or neutral. The OD light is flashing tho. I tried switching from gear to gear and also switching the 4x4 and still nothing. I'm going to pull the pan this weekend and inspect stuff as well as change the filter and the valve body gasket. I pulled the dip stick and the the fluid is redish not brown and dosent smell burnt at all. Thanks for any help you can give.

I will try to see if I can rent one. I can't drive it.

Well I torn it apart tonight, fluid is brownish does not smell burnt and has a good amount of metallic in it. Will finish getting the valve body out in the am. Any input ?

Anybody yet? VB gasket was good.

No I don't know the codes. I have no way to get it to get them read.

called them today and no luck,they either don't have one for the transmission codes or they don't loan it out.
