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My build plans


Well-Known Member
August 12, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
hampton va
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 sport
Picking up a 92 f150 ford 8.8 tomorrow with 4.88 gears and a locker,
and then getting a 78 bronco dana 44 with 4.88 gears this weekend.
my plan as of right now is to run them both full width, the front axle comes with the 4.5 lift springs wristed arm, and long arms and crossmember.
not sure of a tire size yet but between 35-37 i think.
soa for the rear. right now im just gathering parts, rebuilding the axles as there pretty old and then getting all the parts necesary to complete the sas up front.
i know im going to need alot more but figured i would get the big parts first and then slowly pick up the smaller stuff as i go.

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Sounds like a good plan! I have 4:56's and run 36" tires which equals out to be 3:73's at 65 mph rpm's around 2100.

I'm thinking with 4:88 you would want 37's to get that close to that rpm range. Still I would think anything under 2500 rpms would be good for highway driving.

Again I just guessing,but you have a great start and a great plan good luck!!:thumbsup:

thanks, ya i was leaning more toward the 37s and i can get them around here at a pretty good price.

just picked up the rear axle, its spring over already, about to go take meaurments and see what i need to to and see if the strut mounts on the tube will line up or not.


come on!

don't keep us suspense! :D

being in va i wouldnt go over 35 and your need more lift than soa to clear more.your have to trim the crap out of it with full width as is.send me a message if you need any help,i have a wealth of resources and friends ;)

being in va i wouldnt go over 35 and your need more lift than soa to clear more.your have to trim the crap out of it with full width as is.send me a message if you need any help,i have a wealth of resources and friends ;)

thanks i will be needing alot of help,
im leaving on monday for two months though this is as far as im going to get for now, pics will come up later tonight



is there any way to tell if this is a spool or locker.

Detroit Locker.

been searching for a few days now, whats the easiest way to put the new perches on, just have the old 8.8 next to it and measure the distance from the center.
i took some quik measurements and one side is almost dead on and the other is off by about 2-3 inches. and the strut mounts too, i didnt measure those yet

yea the cener pin hole - to - center pin hole. i dont know the process, but youd need the angle finder tool to set the pinion angle right for the type of lift youre getting from it.
shocks, the same wdith also.

awesome project. nice to see another va member! im thinking of doing the same thing for axles, so i can swap my aussie over.

ok i have a plan now,
of course this has to wait till i get back in JAN,
going to do the soa and move the strut mouns to the tube.
putting the stock leafs back on with the stock shackles,
get the f150 coils for the front and pick up some 5 on 4.5 to 4 on 5.5 adaptors for the front and get some 15x8 in rims and put my 33s on them and run the truck that way till i get all the parts for the sas in the front

Im in the middle of doing a sas on mine 94. Im doing a full detailed write up on it with measurements and part numbers. check it out it might help. its under ( the sas of betty ford) hope you can get some use off it.

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