My explorer 2013 aka Papoy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My explorer 2013 aka Papoy


New Member
January 23, 2013
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer Limited 2013
Hi im new...
got my explorer limited on the 12/31
i have done few mods in a few days...
First day: 20% tints all around
Second day: 09.06.34.jpg?m 12.54.35.jpg 12.54.22.jpg

+put a k&n paper filter

right now im looking to get ford edge sport wheels and i was reading people use the flex springs? is that true?
do someone know how to remove the roof racks?

let me know what you think

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How did you black out the wheels?

Hi im new...
got my explorer limited on the 12/31
i have done few mods in a few days...
First day: 20% tints all around
Second day: 09.06.34.jpg?m 12.54.35.jpg 12.54.22.jpg

+put a k&n paper filter

right now im looking to get ford edge sport wheels and i was reading people use the flex springs? is that true?
do someone know how to remove the roof racks?

let me know what you think
Welcome to the Forum expr13.:wavey:
Nice looking Explorer. Just keep in mind that you don't want to do anything that will void your warranty at this point.
If you update your vehicle specs with your model/year etc, it will show in the left margin so members will know what you have and will be able to respond with appropriate answers to any questions/concerns you may have later on.
Some answers are model specific.
Happy motoring.


Welcome to the Forum expr13.:wavey:
Nice looking Explorer. Just keep in mind that you don't want to do anything that will void your warranty at this point.
If you update your vehicle specs with your model/year etc, it will show in the left margin so members will know what you have and will be able to respond with appropriate answers to any questions/concerns you may have later on.
Some answers are model specific.
Happy motoring.


Thanks... i will keep in mind. but the upgrades for now are all garranty approve

will put up better pics on next wash! will you details... and more custom paint and things

Nice! The roof rack is not removable lest there be a few holes in your roof that will leak worse than the way it does with the rack in place!
