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My list of Explorer - "How to" videos

Cable mod kuddos!

You know how it goes. You start searching for one thing and end up ten pages from where you started, not even remembering what it was you were after to start with (well, till you really think about it anyway or hit the back button a few times) and find a gem. Your zip tie throttle cable mod was mine. I just bought my 2001 X Sport last week and thought it had pretty good power for a 4.0. Out of curiousity, wedged myself under the dash and what do you know. Enough slack for 3 zip ties, with a little space to spare. What a difference a few zips make. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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You know how it goes. You start searching for one thing and end up ten pages from where you started, not even remembering what it was you were after to start with (well, till you really think about it anyway or hit the back button a few times) and find a gem. Your zip tie throttle cable mod was mine. I just bought my 2001 X Sport last week and thought it had pretty good power for a 4.0. Out of curiousity, wedged myself under the dash and what do you know. Enough slack for 3 zip ties, with a little space to spare. What a difference a few zips make. Thanks! :thumbsup:

No prob! Glad the mod helped :)

Check out my other vids on my youtube page and please rate comment and subscribe! Trying to make this page big to give everyone a hand :)

Any vid requests?

JL, I just wanted to thank you for having such a helpful attitude and the talent to put it all together. I belong to several other forums for other vehicles I own, and it's rare to find such a refreshingly friendly person who is also a car guy. I don't understand the smug and grumpy flaming of fellow enthusiasts on my supra site.

To the point: I'm thinking of posting on the IAC and "Operation Idle" threads running right now. My 95 explorer 4.0 is long gone from here in Atlanta, having been given to a son at college in Orlando. I just happened to browse through your video thread today when he stopped into town for two days for a visit for an emissions inspection (he needs a his tag). It passed barely, and likely needs an 02 sensor. A stumbling idle and poor throttle response have been an issue for my son, and it even would stall on moist or rainy days, sometimes taking forever to warm up and run smooth. He could reset pcm to fix occasionally, and it has a known bad water temp sensor (get to it if he ever stays long enough). I drove it and griped about the slack in the throttle. The zip tie mod was great: 3 under the dash, and even one at the linkage worked great. Lubed and cleaned linkage and the throttle plate, did a few other odds and ends, and she idles like a dream. Hunts for a steady idle occasionally, but not very noticeable.

With 270 k miles, she's likely near the end of her lifespan, but it was a great help, and you'd never know she has that many miles now. I usually spend quite a bit on long-distance mechanic work, but this fixed some problems that none of them have been able to rectify.


JL, I just wanted to thank you for having such a helpful attitude and the talent to put it all together. I belong to several other forums for other vehicles I own, and it's rare to find such a refreshingly friendly person who is also a car guy. I don't understand the smug and grumpy flaming of fellow enthusiasts on my supra site.

To the point: I'm thinking of posting on the IAC and "Operation Idle" threads running right now. My 95 explorer 4.0 is long gone from here in Atlanta, having been given to a son at college in Orlando. I just happened to browse through your video thread today when he stopped into town for two days for a visit for an emissions inspection (he needs a his tag). It passed barely, and likely needs an 02 sensor. A stumbling idle and poor throttle response have been an issue for my son, and it even would stall on moist or rainy days, sometimes taking forever to warm up and run smooth. He could reset pcm to fix occasionally, and it has a known bad water temp sensor (get to it if he ever stays long enough). I drove it and griped about the slack in the throttle. The zip tie mod was great: 3 under the dash, and even one at the linkage worked great. Lubed and cleaned linkage and the throttle plate, did a few other odds and ends, and she idles like a dream. Hunts for a steady idle occasionally, but not very noticeable.

With 270 k miles, she's likely near the end of her lifespan, but it was a great help, and you'd never know she has that many miles now. I usually spend quite a bit on long-distance mechanic work, but this fixed some problems that none of them have been able to rectify.


Thanks A LOT for the post. Its posts like this that make me want to help people even more. I know exactly what you mean about people flaming you for trying to help out. Scolding you and saying "your doing everything wrong" and "you're not a certified mechanic" and "I went to school for this" yada yada yada. Comments like what you just posted definitely outweigh what those people have to say 100-1. Glad the mod helped. Some seafoam, spark plugs, and wires sound like they may help with a lot of the problems you are describing.

Good suggestions. Did new plugs and wires last year (I paid a mechanic down in FL to do it). Also, for the flamers, I want to state emphatically that I realize this zip tie throttle. mod. is intended to increase sloppy throttle response only, as well as to make sure your throttle plate/butterfly valve fully opens when you step on the pedal. I am not sure why this "masked" or "improved) the stumbly idle. I've not tried seafoam, and I sprayed off linkage and butterfly plate with carb cleaner only. I'll give that some thought another day.

As far as I could tell visually, the throttle fully closed (at least it seemed to) when the pedal was released, but does it stay ever-so-slightly open? Could be. Could it be the rate at which the plate closes (slower now with a spring that actually catches the end of the cable? I don't know. It did work to let idle level out at about 800 when warm. I think I went ahead and turned the stop screw on the throttle assembly too.

Also, there is probably a more elegant way to put some small collars or spacers on the cable end to take up the slack.

Good suggestions. Did new plugs and wires last year (I paid a mechanic down in FL to do it). Also, for the flamers, I want to state emphatically that I realize this zip tie throttle. mod. is intended to increase sloppy throttle response only, as well as to make sure your throttle plate/butterfly valve fully opens when you step on the pedal. I am not sure why this "masked" or "improved) the stumbly idle. I've not tried seafoam, and I sprayed off linkage and butterfly plate with carb cleaner only. I'll give that some thought another day.

As far as I could tell visually, the throttle fully closed (at least it seemed to) when the pedal was released, but does it stay ever-so-slightly open? Could be. Could it be the rate at which the plate closes (slower now with a spring that actually catches the end of the cable? I don't know. It did work to let idle level out at about 800 when warm. I think I went ahead and turned the stop screw on the throttle assembly too.

Also, there is probably a more elegant way to put some small collars or spacers on the cable end to take up the slack.

Thats exactly what the mod does. Smart man.

Rear drum brake vid coming tomorrow hopefully. What a PITA that was..... Grrrrrr.

Wasn't able to shoot the drum vid.... Sorry guys.

i'd like to request an A/C recharge video... it's summer afterall

Two more vids being uploaded now. Ill add the links in the morning! Thanks a ton everyone!

As for the A/C vid, I dont have the right tool to do a proper recharge. :-/

Two new vids added! check em out! Please comment, like, and subscribe on my youtube page! Thanks fellas, you guys are the best!

Blower motor on 4WD

Any advice on changing a blower motor on a 1994 XLT 4WD?

The videos I've seen elsewhere look nothing like my engine compartment and having no AC in hundred degree weather is the pits!

Thanks much!

Any advice on changing a blower motor on a 1994 XLT 4WD?

The videos I've seen elsewhere look nothing like my engine compartment and having no AC in hundred degree weather is the pits!

Thanks much!

Never worked on a v6 ex before. Tear into it and get it done. Snap a few pics so you know how stuff goes back together. Blower cant be to hard :)

Any advice on changing a blower motor on a 1994 XLT 4WD?

The videos I've seen elsewhere look nothing like my engine compartment and having no AC in hundred degree weather is the pits!

Thanks much!

Hope jlsparky7 don't mind the hijack here.

Simple job. 30 mins to do. :thumbsup:

Remove the air intake tube by removing 2 clamps.
Remove the air filter by removing the box cover. A couple of screws hold it on. Unplug the vac lines (noting the order), unplug the MAF connector.
Remove the lower half of the air box.
Unplug the blower motor connector.
Remove the rubber vent tube on the motor housing.
Remove a few small bolts holding the blower to the firewall, pull it out.

While you have it out, clean inside the cavity with a shop vac. Remove the blower relay next to it (2 small bolts) and clean out that cavity as well. Fires can start inside here from debris falling/collecting inside. Check this thread for some pictures.

If the new blower wont work, the blower relay is most likely bad. I would test the old blower with a 12v source before buying a new one. :)

Dont mind one bit. Thanks for chiming in! :)

DO NOT PURCHACE COPPERHEAD FAB SHACKLES. buy warrior shackles instead. recieved my copperhead shackles and they are too narrow, and the bolt holes are too small. (not including you also have to spray them with or rustolium, come as raw metal). unless you want to spend time drilling out the holes, spraying, and bending them i dont NOT recomend them

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DO NOT PURCHACE COPPERHEAD FAB SHACKLES. buy warrior shackles instead. recieved my copperhead shackles and they are too narrow, and the bolt holes are too small. (not including you also have to spray them with or rustolium, come as raw metal). unless you want to spend time drilling out the holes, spraying, and bending them i dont NOT recomend them

I agree....
