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Nature and Still Life Shots.


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January 25, 2005
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Queens, New York and living in Budd Lake, NJ now.
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2002 Explorer XLS 4.0 4x4
I have had my Fujifilm Finepix 5200 for a year now and still don't know how to use it in manual. So I have been slowly messing around with it.
Feel free to post up shots guys/gals and shooting tips.
The tree shots were taken with camera set to Landscape and daughter shot set to Natural.
I have not yet learned to use it manually, which I am sure would get me better shots.

I moved all around the tree, but this shot was the best I could get with detail and distinct shadows.


I like how the BW shot exploits the ripples around my monsters feet.

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nice pictures man!


I have pretty much the same camera, only the older model (5000) which is only 3.2 mp. But it take amazing pictures! I have a Sony Cybershot with ziess lens about the same mp, and side by side you can really see the differance! The Fugi has great lenses! My next step is to by a nice Canon digital EOS body. My wife has a old 35 Canon EOS, that we can use the lenses from;)

You want to talk about monsters. Here is my three.

I'll find one with some good quality and upload it. Just love to show them off.


I like how the clouds wisp.

very good--

thanks :thumbsup:

I have pretty much the same camera, only the older model (5000) which is only 3.2 mp. But it take amazing pictures! I have a Sony Cybershot with ziess lens about the same mp, and side by side you can really see the differance! The Fugi has great lenses! My next step is to by a nice Canon digital EOS body. My wife has a old 35 Canon EOS, that we can use the lenses from;)

Only downfall with this camera is not being able to change the lens. I don't think I will be using its full potential anytime soon, so upgrading is not needed. I read lots of reviews on the 5200 and they were all pretty much favorable.
It is bulkier than a point and shoot style, but I don't mind carrying it.

That would be great to utilize the lens you already have. My friend just spend $300 for a lens for his Rebel. My whole setup was cheaper than that shipped, with bag and tripod.


I like how the clouds wisp.

Now that's a nice shot :thumbsup:

My wife and I are going for our second monster. My daughter is already 4. I wished we were able to keep the ages closer though.

Great looking family.

How many MP is your camera Trucku?

Nice pictures Trucku!

I have pretty much the same camera, only the older model (5000) which is only 3.2 mp. But it take amazing pictures! I have a Sony Cybershot with ziess lens about the same mp, and side by side you can really see the differance! The Fugi has great lenses! My next step is to by a nice Canon digital EOS body. My wife has a old 35 Canon EOS, that we can use the lenses from;)

That's my plan as well Stic. I'm using a Casio 4.1 MP right now, but it has a Canon lens and a lot of manual features for technical shots. My film camera is an EOS A2 SLR with quite a few lenses and an awesome speedlight and external battery pack. I'd love to get one of the Pro Digital bodies, especially since they just came out with a new model. I imagine the last generation bodies will be selling for a bit less now or I might be able to scoop up a gently used one for a really good price.

Mine is 6.0MP. I think I'm just a crappy photographer:rolleyes: .

Nice pictures Trucku!.

Thanks :thumbsup:

Dopler174 your not a crappy photographer.
LOL...I have not used my camera on manual yet.
I have not tweaked one of the settings yet.
Its all camera, I just pushed the


^^^That is AWESOME!^^^

I hear the songs of angels.

Thats a awesome shot. Wow....

Did you have a lens filter on?

I have to admit that is one awesome shot! It's one of those "ahhhhhh" moments when you know there is something greater than us at work! (Did somebody hear a harp?) ;)


* File size: 410277 bytes
* File date: 2007:09:03 19:18:23
* Camera make: FUJIFILM
* Camera model: FinePix S5200
* Date/Time: 2007:09:03 19:47:04
* Resolution: 768 x 1024
* Flash used: No (auto)
* Focal length: 11.9mm (35mm equivalent: 73mm)
* CCD width: 5.84mm
* Exposure time: 0.0100 s (1/100)
* Aperture: f/3.2
* ISO equiv.: 800
* Whitebalance: Auto
* Metering Mode: matrix
* Exposure: program (auto)

Next time I will use the flash. It is grainy.
Ok you camera gurus, What would you have done to make this better? I had my camera on auto.
I appreciate the advice.

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Next time I will use the flash. It is grainy.
Ok you camera gurus, What would you have done to make this better? I had my camera on auto.
I appreciate the advice.

Excellent shot! I think the grain adds nice texture. But a sharp shot would look great as well. The only thing I could suggest is to use a tripod that would enable you to go with a much slower shutter speed. Shooting say around 1/25 sec would allow you to go with a 200 ISO. You might even want to try something like a 1/16 at 100 ISO.

If you are serious, the best thing to do is get a real light meter. Then, once you establish a base appature, shutter speed and ISO, bracket the shot. Shoot 3-5 pictures of the same shot with the middle shot being what you determined you should do using the light meter and the outlying shots increasing and decreasing one of those factors (I'd try ISO) by one step. Example -- Light meter determines F3.2, 1/25 sec, 400 ISO. Shoot the following sequence... F3.2, 1/25 sec, 100 ISO; F3.2, 1/25 sec, 200 ISO; F3.2, 1/25 sec, 400 ISO; F3.2, 1/25 sec, 800 ISO; F3.2, 1/25 sec, 1600 ISO. Order of shots is unimportant. That's the beauty of shooting those kind of shots is that your subject isn't moving and your light conditions generally remain unchanged.

But after all that, I still say excellent shot. Something I'd certainly put on my wall. :thumbsup:
