Solved - Needed: 1991 to 1994 (Gen1) Transmission crossmember | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Needed: 1991 to 1994 (Gen1) Transmission crossmember

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Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
When I purchased my 1991 4WD Explorer the transmission was half removed and the Trans crossmember was missing. 2WD and 4WD are the same and maybe someone can tell me if auto trans and 5 speed are the same crossmember.
Anyone on here parting out a Gen 1 let me know what you have. I prefer one that is not rusty.
I was unable to save just the picture from a members post where he use to have one available.
Tim I hope that you don't mind that I made a link to your post for the pictures.
91-94 Transmission crossmember

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Thanks @Turdle for the info. I know that I need to get a cross member for the '91. At least 2WD and 4WD are the same. I have been focused all of my energy and money on my white '97 lately and almost forgot that I have a request out there for a transmission cross member. At least two guys have responded and I hope that they don't think that I'm putting them off. I have about 3 too many Explorers and it makes my time and money get spread too thin sometimes.
Thanks again, Greg

I'm kind of looking for a crossmember again and I appreciate @ChildIdenticant offering me one. The shipping from California to Alabama would have been steep but I do appreciate man. At one time @timtimtimajim had one then he moved and misplaced it in the process of moving. @Lee's Automotive was going to call me if he found one at the junkyard that he was going to visit in Athens, AL. However, I know it has been blazing hot this summer and at the junkyards here the wasps are hot and angry, and the snakes are hiding under the vehicles trying to stay cool. Not all of our salvage yards are neat and clean like LKQ Inc.
I'm considering selling the red 1991 4dr 4wd and I might sell as is for what I have in it however the transmission is hanging on by 3 or 4 bolts, the transfer case and driveshafts are out. Too bad the PO didn't put the trans crossmember in the back hatch area. I have the original aluminum quarter hole style wheels and currently it has my spare set of '97 tear drops on it that I need to keep since I have 3 '97s with matching wheels. You would have to bring 4 of your own Explorer tire/wheels. If I follow through with fixing it, it would be about $2000- more dollars over the original purchase price. The A4LD needs rebuilt and the transfer case is out so it needs a soft rebuilt just to get it back in tip top shape. I also have a set F2TA spring seats and some offset bushings to help with the alignment change. If I still have it this winter and a 2nd 4 post lift, I will follow through with repairing and rebuilding the necessary parts to make it a reliable vehicle again. Also the aluminum wheel restoration will cost a bit. There is a real good wheel restoration business down in Huntsville called "Wheel-fix-it".

The cross members are the same, manual or auto. They both use the same rubber mount.

That other xmember sold, but can pick up another If you need. first gen abundance in yards since increased fuel prices. Some nice ones too. Seen perfect leather on multiple second gens.. shame.

@BrooklynBay Thanks for the tip. That will work great until I can find time to go to the JY near me and get a $15- crossmember.

@BrooklynBay Thanks for the tip. That will work great until I can find time to go to the JY near me and get a $15- crossmember.
Knowing the cost of a conduit bender, I can't tell if you are serious or there is some humor in that statement.

@BrooklynBay @Josh P I have a bender and some 1.25 inch tubing and a piece of steel plate that I can whip up a temp crossmember before I get out to the junkyard. My parts list is growing and am going in the fall. A few years back, while I was in my favorite yard, I picked up a gen II rear hatch weatherstrip that was in good shape for an EF member and after he PayPaled me I shipped it to him.

Located a crossmember 2 months ago. I purchased a salt free one with all the bolts at the local LKQ for $40.99 + tax no warrantee.

I would buy the warranty with a crossmember either. The only thing they could guarantee is that it is a crossmember.

Remove the old bushing and fill it with polyurethane. Window weld works great for making poly bushings

I admit I should have verified before responding. The Aerostar and 1st gen ranger have bushings in the crossmember.

@Josh P So do the Fox Body Mustangs...
