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new grill


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Overland Park, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0 AWD
Today I took my grill apart to put some wire mesh behind the grill, and the damn thing snapped right above the drivers side headlight. I managed to get it back on but now I need a new one. Could I get one from the dealership painted the same as my rig? I have the chrome now and I dont like it. Or, is there any other place to pick one of those up for a reasonable price? any help would be great.

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i have a chrome one sitting in my garage. you could sand it down and paint it... we'd have to figure out a reasonable price for it though

Grille, 1995-97, Grille & Components, Grille Assy, W/O Limited, Painted $191.52 $158.96
Grille, 1995-97, Grille & Components, Grille Assy, W/O Limited, Chrome $200.00 $166.00

that is from they usually have pretty good prices. it looks like you could just order a painted grille from them for 191.52 already matched to your truck. otherwise i would sell you mine maybe 100? if your interested i could also cut you a deal on one of my grille inserts at the same time.

actually i'm not sure if thier price is 158 or 191 for the painted one... either way same stuff stands

thanks for the info, I'm gonna check out a few places and see what's best...I appriciate your offer, but I would rather have it painted already. I might take you up on those grill inserts when the wallet lets me.

thats cool, i know thats a bunch of money for a used grille, but i like having one laying around because if i feel the need to experiment i can use it.

let me know later if you want it or anything else.
