New Name, New Status! (I'm Elite!!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Name, New Status! (I'm Elite!!)


Elite Explorer Babe
June 21, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Bellingham, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Well, I just thought I'd post to show off my new Eliteness! Now I get avatar for my stock X and freedom to post pad and upload photos! Oh, and my name is changed from GinaGem to Gina (because well, that is my name) but I'm still same ol' me!

And my Elite Registry with no information :D My goal was to be Elite by the time I hit 500 that's what I did! Anyways, you should all become Elite too ;)

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Way to go Gina! Feels good huh?

Congrats Gina, welcome!! :D


Here, here,... brownies for everyone! :)

Congrats Gina. I see the Elite bug has bitten you, too... :)

Elite and your 500th post all in one day :D Woo Hoo!!

Now if I can get SVT Girl to jump on the band wagon too. :p

WTG Gina!!



(still making that trip a go up north??)

Rick forgot the Elite Explorer BABE part...LOL!

Originally posted by Gina
My goal was to be Elite by the time I hit 500 that's what I did! Anyways, you should all become Elite too ;)

I couldn't agree with you more Gina. And congrats on joining the club :D

'bout freak'n time!

Congrats! I became Elite a week or two ago and have been to lazy to post anything interesting about it...

Originally posted by SnowExploder
Congrats! I became Elite a week or two ago and have been to lazy to post anything interesting about it...

Where is your avatar?

Congrats on elite....

Originally posted by Crankcase
Rick forgot the Elite Explorer BABE part...LOL!
Yeah, what's up with that?? Guess I'm not a babe anymore ;)

And Katie, congrats on Elite for you too! How'd you do through the little snow fest we had? I slid into a curb and caused 2 grand in damage :D Getting fixed Monday...

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i dont think i have officially said it! welcome gina.....
