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Open Wheeling in Crozet, VA on Saturday March 4th and 5th 2006


Evil Asian
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
EF Vendor
March 3, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Elkridge, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 4Runner, 22 Silverado
Open Wheeling in Crozet -- March 4th and 5th Weekend

*** 5 new trails added****

When is the event?

Friday, March 3rd setup camp anytime after 4:00PM
Saturday, March 4th 8:30 AM wheeling
Sunday, March 5th 8:30 AM wheeling
Depart by 5:00PM March 5th or earlier.

Where is the event?

The event will be held in Crozet, VA. Please check www.xjsrule.com/Event_...ctions.htm for directions. For any
questions regarding the event, please contact Chris Packard at jeepnchris @ xjsrule.com or (434) 823-1852.

What is the event?

We will have guided wheeling of all level trails and a large bonfire each night. Primitive on-site camping is available. If desired/needed, we will separate tenting areas for noise control.

Who can participate?

Members of clubs or individuals with no club affiliation are welcome. This event is limited to the first 40 rigs that sign-up via e-mail to jeepnchris @ xjsrule.com. Participants are being asked to pre-register via e-mail for this event to confirm a space.

What types of trails will be wheeled?

We will have guides available for all levels of trails (blues - stock to some mods; blacks - 33's or larger, at least one locker, etc.; reds - if you have to ask...). Participants will choose trail levels on a daily basis (i.e. can run blues one day, blacks the next, and vice versa).

What is the cost for the event?

$25/day per vehicle (no passenger fee), $40/2-day weekend per vehicle
(no passenger fee).


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I am going to try hard to go in this trip. I will plan to go on Saturday, with a contingency to go on Sunday.

I'm Out

Finallly got the X inspected and legal for this state but the zuk is out of commision still and fund just ain't available.

Anyone wanna spotter? aka a bum in your rig for the day/weekend?

i'll be there on sunday, but not saturday. andy, you can ride with me if you want, but i'm only riding stock class trails, since i've only got a tt/shackle done. is it just going to be the 4(?) of us, or is there more?


THE OFF-ROAD PARK IN CROZET, VA, DOES NOT HAVE ANY TRAILS THAT A STOCK VEHICLE CAN MAKE IT THROUGH. I RECOMMEND AT LEAST 33'S, AND A LOCKER! i have only a tt/shackle lift, and no bumper so i can get some more clearance, and i made it about 12 feet into the trail. ya, the easy trail. pretty embarrasing, but i thought everyone should know since this is where the big meet will be in june. luckily i only destroyed both side bars, and scratched up all the plastic i have. nothing important broke, but then again, this was on the 'go-around'. lol. fortunately for me there were nice enough people there to let my friend and i jump in their jeeps, and ride with them for the whole day. i have pics, and will post them as soon as i can figure a way to do it.

What trails did you run? They do have low blues & high blues. Hopefully you guys ran cripple creek pass.

I skipped cripple creek after our guide cut on sidewall and lost a bead on another tire just entering the trail (obsticle). We did the medium blues, and I went around the harest obsticles. It was my first time so I am still learing what the driver and vehicle can do.

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