Peeling Window Switches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Peeling Window Switches


October 1, 2021
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2021, Explorer XLT
'21 Explorer - Taking it in for foil wrap peeling coming off of switches! Anyone else have this issue? I cut my finger on the damn thing too!

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I've seen others report the same issue.

'21 Explorer - Taking it in for foil wrap peeling coming off of switches! Anyone else have this issue? I cut my finger on the damn thing too!
Yep we had that problem on our 2020. We took ours to a dealer and they replaced them. They are super sharp.

My vehicle is 37 months old no peeling at all

My vehicle is 37 months old no peeling at all
Yah we didn't have the peeling on our 2021 Limited but on the 2020 ST it was peeling so bad.

My 2021 Platinum switches are fine. I read here that 2020 models had this problem

My Explorer is a 2020 and they are not peeling

If Ford wont cover it under warranty we can get you a quote on a new switch panel. Just PM me your VIN and I will send a link and forum discount code you can use.

- Benny

If Ford wont cover it under warranty we can get you a quote on a new switch panel. Just PM me your VIN and I will send a link and forum discount code you can use.

- Benny
Honestly, getting it from Benny is the way to go. It's not even worth the time to go to your dealer to ask about warranty coverage and then to go get it installed. My time is worth way more than that.

If Ford wont cover it under warranty we can get you a quote on a new switch panel. Just PM me your VIN and I will send a link and forum discount code you can use.

- Benny
Thank you! I'm "scheduled" at least I'm trying to schedule an oil change and switch "diagnosis" sometime in the future. They WILL cover the switches and give me a rental for free so I think I'm being treated pretty well here just some miscommunication between the dealer and myself.... You know how dealers can be...

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