Photoshop Tutorial: Desaturate parts of a photo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Photoshop Tutorial: Desaturate parts of a photo


Explorer Addict
August 10, 2006
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Well, lets suppose you want to make a photo black and white, while keeping an object color, how do you do it? It is a pretty simple process.

First off, take your photo. I chose a photo of some pool balls. For one reason or another, I want to make the 3 ball color, with the rest black and white.

Start out by selecting what you want to keep color. Select it with whatever method is easiest for you. You will have your object(s) selected with the marching ants.

Now, go to:

You will now have everything but your objects selected.

Now, go to:
Image>> Adjustments>> Black & White

Your photo should now have everything else black and white but what you wanted color.

Post up any questions you may have. :thumbsup:

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hahahahaha..thats it? wow... i was doing way more steps then that.. and not getting anywhere.

tanks a whole bunch cs2 do not have a b/w function. hheellpppppppp.

Image>> Adjustments>> Desturate

oohh...thank u thank u thank u

you can also do it by opening 2 copies of the picture, making one black and white, and plopping that on top of the other picture... then use the history brush and color in whatever you want to be in color.
