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Pics of the move


Staff member
Elite Explorer
March 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mesa AZ
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 EB Explorer 5.0
Just for kicks and giggles I thought I'd post up some pics of the move from KS to AZ.

This is the Truck Stop in Parsons I stopped at before hitting the road

This is Molly, ready for new adventure

First Stop... Quick Trip in Tulsa lunch and bathroom break


Molly Getting comfortable on the road

Traffic Jam in Oklahoma City

Traffic Jam in Oklahoma City

Sunrise at the Truck Stop I slept at near Amarillo.. Yes I made Amarillo by Morning.. and I was up before Dawn...



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"Saving you money on gas" Every U-haul I've ever rented got single digit fuel economy. Nice pictures, I've been to the stockyard travel plaza a few times.

wow! really? never thought I'd come across someone outside of Parsons who has actually been there! Next time you're there, go next door to Timber Creek meats. very very good stuff.

And yea, the truck got 6.5mpg all the way. But considering the load it was hauling.... I guess thats not bad.

wow! really? never thought I'd come across someone outside of Parsons who has actually been there! Next time you're there, go next door to Timber Creek meats. very very good stuff.

And yea, the truck got 6.5mpg all the way. But considering the load it was hauling.... I guess thats not bad.
I hauled a few pallets of batteries from phoenix to vegas in a U-haul. It had the 3.5 motor and 5 mpg was it. I Had to stop in wikieup for gas cause it wasn't going to make kingman. I learned there is an access plate rivited on the floor for the fuel pump, the pallet jack found it.

I hauled a few pallets of batteries from phoenix to vegas in a U-haul. It had the 3.5 motor and 5 mpg was it. I Had to stop in wikieup for gas cause it wasn't going to make kingman. I learned there is an access plate rivited on the floor for the fuel pump, the pallet jack found it.

Taking a real curve here, but when in Wikieup you have to try Dazzos for their Italian Beef sandwich. I try to time my Phoenix to Vegas runs to include a lunch break there :D

Cool photos Traveler. You wore out your dog!

Taking a real curve here, but when in Wikieup you have to try Dazzos for their Italian Beef sandwich. I try to time my Phoenix to Vegas runs to include a lunch break there :D

Cool photos Traveler. You wore out your dog!
I'll have to stop next time I go to Vegas.

Nice Pics! Moving Sucks

Yes it does.... LOL and we're about to do it again. We've been staying at my In-Laws house since the move, til we found a place to buy. Don't worry, the in-laws are truly wonderful people, and they spend the summer up in the mountains in their cabin where its cooler.
Anyway, we close on a house tomorrow, and we're moving our stuff which has been in storage since the last move on Sunday. So we get to load a big 'ol truck up again, and move it to Mesa.

I think we got a great deal on a great house. It was purchased by the previous owners for the purpose of flipping it. So it has all new interior. From Floors to ceilings it is all brand spanking new. Kitchen is filled with all new appliances, Washroom has 4 year old washer and dryer. It is small, but I guess thats just a good excuse to get rid of junk I've been hoarding for years anyway. No garage, but attached carport with plenty of storage for tools so I'm good. I've worked on the truck in my father-in-laws garage and they get HOT here in the desert. So carports tend to be better suited anyway lol. Has a large fenced in back yard, and very relaxed (read "free") HOA so we can keep our Camper in the backyard.
I'll put up some pics as soon as it is officially official. :)

I think we got a great deal on a great house. It was purchased by the previous owners for the purpose of flipping it. So it has all new interior. From Floors to ceilings it is all brand spanking new. Kitchen is filled with all new appliances, Washroom has 4 year old washer and dryer. It is small, but I guess thats just a good excuse to get rid of junk I've been hoarding for years anyway. No garage, but attached carport with plenty of storage for tools so I'm good. I've worked on the truck in my father-in-laws garage and they get HOT here in the desert. So carports tend to be better suited anyway lol. Has a large fenced in back yard, and very relaxed (read "free") HOA so we can keep our Camper in the backyard.
I'll put up some pics as soon as it is officially official. :)

Sounds great, just too darn far ;) Congrats on the new house!

Just got the call... the house is OFFICIALLY ours.. :) So I can post up some pics of it.

As stated it is a very small house, but will get the job done.




The Backyard




Living room, and kitchen, and thats about it except for the bedrooms and bathroom, but lets face it, they're pretty much all alike.

Moving day is Sunday, I pick the keys up in about 30 min. :D

GreatRoom (2).jpg


Looks nice :thumbsup:

Where's the grass? haha! That would be nice, to just get out a rake and re-arrange some rocks.

Where's the grass? haha! That would be nice, to just get out a rake and re-arrange some rocks.
Desert landscape starts out nice but ends up with bermuda grass taking over. I am jealous how nice that yard is. I had to give up on the rocks and plant zoysia grass.

Yea, those pics were taken when the house was put up for sale a couple months ago. Me and Roundup are gonna have a battle as soon as we move in. I'm familiar with weed battles. Had a gravel parking area for my camper back in KS, and a very cracked sidewalk in the front yard.

Desert landscape starts out nice but ends up with bermuda grass taking over.

Nothing that a propane weed burner can't take care of ;) We also have an Arizona, rock lawn. LOL

Yea, those pics were taken when the house was put up for sale a couple months ago. Me and Roundup are gonna have a battle as soon as we move in. I'm familiar with weed battles. Had a gravel parking area for my camper back in KS, and a very cracked sidewalk in the front yard.

Wait until you discover desert broom. Weed killers are like fertilizer for it LOL. The best way to kill it is cut the stem and put concentrated weed killer in the open wound.

I'd get a lock on the attic access. Park a car under it and it's a ladder to climb up there and enter the house through the ceiling.

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