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Please Vote for Canadian Sync Services

I am in the Ottawa area and did not notice anything different on my Nav screen. Also, it would have been nice to have been advised of this free 2 week 'promotion' ahead of time so that we all would have known about it.

This came from SIRIUS, not us. We heard about it from our customers.


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My apologies Rebecca. I meant to and should have put Sirius in my post. :banghead: I didn't mean to imply that this was Ford's responsiblity.


i had something weird happen on my X for about 1-2 weeks - just after labour day - When I had the nav screen operational, i was getting yellow, red, and blue lines along some of my routes.
I have some blue along some of my routes but I'm staying away from them! They are not frozen over yet this time of year. :D

It wasn't so much a promotion as it was a test to see if the Canadian vehicles get all the features that the US ones do. Mine got everything and so did several others so the Canadian SYNC Services can't be too far away

If it was a legit promo I think it would have had a little marketing.

Fingers crossed

It wasn't so much a promotion as it was a test to see if the Canadian vehicles get all the features that the US ones do. Mine got everything and so did several others so the Canadian SYNC Services can't be too far away

If it was a legit promo I think it would have had a little marketing.

Fingers crossed

I hope/wish you're right, but I don't think they needed a 2 week test to verify that -Ford US owners driving up from the US already had.

I tried again. Signed in and clicked on Thumbs Up and the vote remained at 32. No wonder the count isn't moving much. There isn't even a Logoff button that I could find. Seems to be a waste of time.

Happens to me too. Seems to work after a few hours though, so hopefully tomorrow we are up to 33 - thank you!

It wasn't so much a promotion as it was a test to see if the Canadian vehicles get all the features that the US ones do. Mine got everything and so did several others so the Canadian SYNC Services can't be too far away

If it was a legit promo I think it would have had a little marketing.

Fingers crossed

It was just a promo. I have a handheld SIRIUS device and got it on that for the last few days of the promo.


Happens to me too. Seems to work after a few hours though, so hopefully tomorrow we are up to 33 - thank you!
Nope. Still at 32 and they didn't publish my comment about "Canadian owners getting short changed again" either. I guess if it isn't a favourable comment it gets censored.
I don't think comments on this Website or the site itself are taken seriously anyway. What use is it if unfavourable comments about some products aren't allowed to be posted.
Sort of like placing a Suggestion Box over top of a shredder.

Nope. Still at 32 and they didn't publish my comment about "Canadian owners getting short changed again" either. I guess if it isn't a favourable comment it gets censored.
I don't think comments on this Website or the site itself are taken seriously anyway. What use is it if unfavourable comments about some products aren't allowed to be posted.
Sort of like placing a Suggestion Box over top of a shredder.

Your comment is on there now.

Do we now have Sync Services in Canada?

According to the SyncMyRide.ca website we do - can someone confirm this?
Says we have both vehicle health reports and Sync Services.

Click here for the weblink on Syncmyride.ca

According to the SyncMyRide.ca website we do - can someone confirm this?
Says we have both vehicle health reports and Sync Services.

Click here for the weblink on Syncmyride.ca

Hey, calb!

If you click on the "More about SYNC Services" or "More about Vehicle Health Report" links, below the chart, it will come up with the following disclaimers:

*SYNC Services is a subscription service, available in select 2010 and later model Ford, Lincoln and Mercury SYNC-equipped vehicles, excluding 2010 vehicles with Navigation System. Available in the United States only. Message and data rates may apply.

*Vehicle Health Report is available in the United States only.

Please know that if anything changes in the future, I will be certain to let you all know.

Rebecca's Disclaimer: Don't shoot the messenger lol :notworthy


Hey, calb!

If you click on the "More about SYNC Services" or "More about Vehicle Health Report" links, below the chart, it will come up with the following disclaimers:

*SYNC Services is a subscription service, available in select 2010 and later model Ford, Lincoln and Mercury SYNC-equipped vehicles, excluding 2010 vehicles with Navigation System. Available in the United States only. Message and data rates may apply.

*Vehicle Health Report is available in the United States only.

Please know that if anything changes in the future, I will be certain to let you all know.

Rebecca's Disclaimer: Don't shoot the messenger lol :notworthy


New President at Ford Canada - maybe SHE can figure out that the highest rated items with respect to Canada on Ford Story, is the lack of Sync. Last guy couldn't.

Rebecca - are you sure Ford Canada knows that "Ford Story" exists?

New President at Ford Canada - maybe SHE can figure out that the highest rated items with respect to Canada on Ford Story, is the lack of Sync. Last guy couldn't.

Rebecca - are you sure Ford Canada knows that "Ford Story" exists?

Yes, I'm sure :)


Yes, I'm sure :)


My, my you sound confident. Do you know something that Canadians don't know? :) No fair saying they know about it, only because Dianne Craig moved up here, although we do have high hopes she'll bring change!

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