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Please Vote for Canadian Sync Services

Just wanted to give this a BUMP....there are a few new Canadian Forum members that probably don't know about this Ford Story idea and voting system.

Please support CALB's idea, it's a good one.

60 votes now!

And then you can vote for my idea........the MyDock


That got my vote!

I'm not sure how seriously these ideas are taken unfortunately. With 60 votes (given this is a Canadian specific issue, and the low visibility of the Ford social website) I'd have thought Ford Canada would react, but .... nothing :(

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So on my new 2013 Ex My Ford Touch I did the v3.2.2 today and then I noticed it........Canada has Sirius Travel Link and Traffic.


Looks great and works great too.

So on my new 2013 Ex My Ford Touch I did the v3.2.2 today and then I noticed it........Canada has Sirius Travel Link and Traffic.


Looks great and works great too.
Are you saying that the services are actually active? I realize that there are buttons for them and I had them showing as well on V3.0.2 but they weren't active. Sirius did have a 2 week promo on a few weeks ago but Travel Link is a subscription service. Mine was active during the promo when I was still on V3.0.2 but no longer and I now have V3.2.2
I have not decided to subscribe to it at this point. Weather was only for the U.S. and it did not give gasoline prices. In fact it did not list a couple of service stations near my home that have been there for 15 - 20 years.


Are you saying that the services are actually active? I realize that there are buttons for them and I had them showing as well on V3.0.2 but they weren't active. Sirius did have a 2 week promo on a few weeks ago but Travel Link is a subscription service. Mine was active during the promo when I was still on V3.0.2 but no longer and I now have V3.2.2
I have not decided to subscribe to it at this point. Weather was only for the U.S. and it did not give gasoline prices. In fact it did not list a couple of service stations near my home that have been there for 15 - 20 years.


Yes they are active I'm getting weather, movie listings, Traffic, Sports, etc etc

Yes they are active I'm getting weather, movie listings, Traffic, Sports, etc etc
Lucky you. :thumbsup: I checked mine before I replied, and it is not active here. All features with the exception of 'Audio' show as "Unsubscribed".


In the 2013 Sirius Canada manual that comes in the vehicle it shows Sirius Travel and weather with Toronto as the picture so you may wish to call Sirius Canada.

Just to be clear this is Sirius Travel Link & Traffic not Ford SYNC Services.

In the 2013 Sirius Canada manual that comes in the vehicle it shows Sirius Travel and weather with Toronto as the picture so you may wish to call Sirius Canada.

Just to be clear this is Sirius Travel Link & Traffic not Ford SYNC Services.
Yes I understand it is Sirius Travel Link & Traffic, but it isn't free. It requires a paid subscription and like I mentioned, when Sirius had the free promo a few weeks ago, the available weather was only for the U.S. and while movie listings and traffic were up to date, some long established service station locations were not.
Not sure what the subscription fee is but at the moment it doesn't seem worth it.


So on my new 2013 Ex My Ford Touch I did the v3.2.2 today and then I noticed it........Canada has Sirius Travel Link and Traffic.


Looks great and works great too.

:scratch: Does it say you're subscribed to everything?


:scratch: Does it say you're subscribed to everything?


Yes it does say Im subscribed to everything.

So if it suddenly stops I guess I know where to go............
