Question about my Rear brakes and rotors.. replaced!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question about my Rear brakes and rotors.. replaced!!

Well-Known Member
November 12, 2000
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Austin, TeXaS.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Eddie Bauer
Ok,,, I just recentatly had to replace my passanager side rear rotor.. due to the wife eating it from the no brake pads left on that side.

Now since I did ONLY replace 1 - rotor and replace both left and right REAR break pads.,, I notice that both rear disk rotors are heating up really, really hot!!!!

Now is this true....
I was told that SINCE I only REPLACED 1 rotor and the other is still the original other side rotor that I did not replace and haveing 87K miles on that original rotor.... and the reason why my rotors are HOT is becasue the brake calipers are pressing harding due to UNEVEN Disk rotors?????
ANy idea..... if that is why my rotors are heating up extremely hot due to that reason?? ... because of Uneven rotors beings worked on new brake pads and 1 new rotor??

Should I replace both rotors at once,, so the disk rotors will not get steamy hot as it is now (if that is the case)??
Thanks for the updates and replies.... I didnt know if this was true or not so I wanted to ask the other pro X riders with there brake experiences. So I know what I have to do tomorrow.



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It has been my experience when replacing my front disk brake pads ('94s had drum rears) that for the first week or two they smell like they are burning up. Seems normal now to me, but the first time I did it I thought I had done something wrong. I guess the new pads have to wear down/break in until they mate nicely with the surface of the rotors. Until then, they smell.

yea I am sure the smell would be there... but when you replaced your front pads... did you even replace either left or right rotors??

See thats my question... b/c one of my rotors is brand new and the other is old and had about 86K miles worn on it... so I am asking if its possiable that my rotors are heating very hot due to uneven rotors and the break calipers are working/pressing harder while hitting the brakes due to uneven rotors....

hummmmmmmm :exp:

Right now, my dad would say, "the left rotor has braked just as much as the right rotor, why replace only one?" You really should have changed both rotors, but that is in the past. If the driver's rotor hasn't been ground by rivets and turned in the past, it may be okay. This doesn't explain the overheating of the brakes. Just because one rotor is thinner than the other, won't cause the calipers to put out excess pressure. Each piston will move the same amount and exert the same pressure.

How have you determined that the brakes are heating up too much? Do the fronts also overheat? Are the fronts working at all?

Originally posted by morrisey0
Just because one rotor is thinner than the other, won't cause the calipers to put out excess pressure. Each piston will move the same amount and exert the same pressure.

How have you determined that the brakes are heating up too much? Do the fronts also overheat? Are the fronts working at all?

Exactly.....I work as a mechanic.....

Originally posted by morrisey0
Right now, my dad would say, "the left rotor has braked just as much as the right rotor, why replace only one?" You really should have changed both rotors, but that is in the past. If the driver's rotor hasn't been ground by rivets and turned in the past, it may be okay. This doesn't explain the overheating of the brakes. Just because one rotor is thinner than the other, won't cause the calipers to put out excess pressure. Each piston will move the same amount and exert the same pressure.

How have you determined that the brakes are heating up too much? Do the fronts also overheat? Are the fronts working at all?

Well the front brakes are working :)

and as for the back ,, also I was told the pistons work together... and so how I was explained was that since 1 rotor is new and other being older and used,, that the pistons are working hard on the calipers due to uneven rotors by pressing the brakes down to a more stress,, so it will do so untill both rotors are totaly even.. (if this is true).

How do I determin if the rear brakes are too heated.?? .. well.. i can fill the heat on the rear while I walked back there to my rear tires and also I sprayed the rotors with my water hose and it steamed and sizzed for about 1 min ,, while when I sprayed the fronts rotors and it steamed,, but cooled down less the 20 seconds. Also the rear brakes had a bad smell. ewwww.

,,,,, but what I am gonna do tomorrow is put a new rotor on the other rear side and then turn the rotors evenly at a shop and see if this is still happening (heat/rising)... and if it does still, I am gonna assume its either the calipers are going out by faulty or I just installed POS brakes that are from Autozone.. lol

thanks all for the help


For future reference, never, ever spray water on a hot rotor. There is no better way to warp a rotor. If there is an overheating problem, replacing the other rotor won't help.

No, I always do both pairs of pads at the same time. Never one side only.
You might want to wait it out a week or so to see if things get better as the pads wear in.
I think, though that the rotors are pretty meaty, and that they don't wear all that much. What I would do is measure the thickness of the new rotor, then compare it to the thickness of the old one. The difference might be minimal compared to the minimum in-service thickness (0.81inch for me, check your book or on the rotor itself.) 86k miles might not be too bad for your old rotor, depending on your braking habits and driving conditions.
By the way, one time I bought the cheapest brake pads that Advance Auto had, and they wore out very fast and started to crumble as they got very low. I will always pay the extra and get the better pads from now on.

It sounds like you may have a proportioning valve problem, because the fronts should heat up more then the rears, because they should get approx. 60% of the pressure by way of the prop. valve.

Originally posted by morrisey0
For future reference, never, ever spray water on a hot rotor. There is no better way to warp a rotor. If there is an overheating problem, replacing the other rotor won't help.

yea,,, I totaly know that it would warp the rotor,, but would you still say that IF it was raining outside and I was rideing in 4" of rain puddles,, while that water exceeds on the rotor and still smoke would that be safe and not warp my rotor? The chances of it warping is chances I get poopie on my head by an Eagle in the air, (lol)
How else would I of tested the rotor if it was hot or not??
I knew I would NOT diffentatly touch it,,, nor get my sons plastic thermostat ;)

but by using water... I really found out if they were extremely hot and this was the way I found out :bounce:

I think I didnt warp them yet (I hope).

but thanks for the heads up. :)

Originally posted by Sir Robin
No, I always do both pairs of pads at the same time. Never one side only.
You might want to wait it out a week or so to see if things get better as the pads wear in.
I think, though that the rotors are pretty meaty, and that they don't wear all that much. What I would do is measure the thickness of the new rotor, then compare it to the thickness of the old one. The difference might be minimal compared to the minimum in-service thickness (0.81inch for me, check your book or on the rotor itself.) 86k miles might not be too bad for your old rotor, depending on your braking habits and driving conditions.
By the way, one time I bought the cheapest brake pads that Advance Auto had, and they wore out very fast and started to crumble as they got very low. I will always pay the extra and get the better pads from now on.

You know the funny this is.
when I first installed my new brakes (on both rear sides) and installed that 1 new rotor.. my X squeeked soooooooo bad that it sounded like my muffler was draggin when I rode the brakes at 5-10 mph... while in traffic.

What I did to get rid of the noise is Scuff the new rotor down with a 800 grit sandpaper and no more noise.... but still as of now (1 week) still gets hot.

I will let you all know tomorrow how it goes when I install my other rotor and turn both rotors if the extreme heat is still there... prolly next thing I do is..... take the POS autozone brakes back and go to ford and get OEM or Car Quest OEM brand brakes...

thankss all


remember water boils at 212 degrees.... if they are 212 they will steam..... hell the engine runs at 200

If you had it all figured out, why did you ask the question? You have gotten some gotten some good advice on this thread and chosen to ignore it all.

Good luck

Originally posted by morrisey0
If you had it all figured out, why did you ask the question? You have gotten some gotten some good advice on this thread and chosen to ignore it all.

Good luck

Cheif,,, take it easy... did not mean to offend you. I applogise if it did.

I am takein these comments seriouly,,, just thinking what all my options are.. and I will follow up with the status tomorrow.



Well to day this... Its now fixed (the brake issues).

Heres what the prob was.

1st let me say that IF you ever attend to purchase new rotors.. it is always best to get the turned at a shop b/c I found out that both new rotors were not even when its was being turneed.. I dunno the exact mm that were taken off of each.,.. but it took the little warp outta both new rotors to make thgem even. Now my brakes are great and runs excellent now more way hot issues or even squeeks.
I even called my bud the Car Quest where I got one of my new rotors and let him know that they need to be turned... he said you should'ent... but it was proven that they did so hes gonna start telllin his customers it should be done... or he might just get back with his warehouse purchaser that orders them from the manufacture to let them know that they should be smooth as if they were turned.

But thanks all for the solutions and idea that couold of been the problem!

Great site and nice people here.!!! :)
