Questions for those who have used Herculiner. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Questions for those who have used Herculiner.


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January 16, 2003
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Clifton Heights, PA
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91 Explorer XLT 2WD
I was considering herculining my factory running boards, rocker panels (up to the body trim) and bumpers with herculiner. I would like the runningboards to be textured for added grip but I would like the rocker panels and bumper to be smooth. I like the idea of protecting and blacking out the lower portion of my X but dont like the idea of it being textured.

My question for those who have used Herculiner are...

1) Is it possible to remove (strain) the product to remove the "chunks", leaving only the rubbery coating?

2) Is there a another smooth coating like herculiner?

Thanks in advance.

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I think that one of the moderators has used Herculiner:Dead Link Removed

I've used Herculiner and don't think it would be very easy to untexture it. I've seen bumper paint and rubberized undercoating at walmart or an auto parts store. I don't think it would protect as well, but it may be just what you are looking for.

I'm sure Gerald should be able to give you some insight.. :D

I would think that he may be the world's leading expert on removal of Herculiner from sensitive areas. :D

From reading the other thread I learned the following about Herculiner:

1. Wear disposable gloves

2. Prepare for a messy job

3. If you need to pee, make sure not to touch "it" with Herculiner.

I herc'd my X to the bottom of the doors. I don't think it would be easy to strain out the texture material. However, as stated above, there are other liners out there that are not as textured. Some of the "rubberized" bumper paints should do what you want.

I should have known that this would lead to this, :D. Sorry to bring back bad memories Gerald.

I wasnt aware that there was a rubberized bumper paint out there. I will have to look into it.

Dogfriend you are crewl for bringing that out of the closet! But thank's for the smile and chuckle in reminding me of it!

:D :D :D

JDraper, did you undercoat it? i want to do this but i need to know the cost first.

Wow, I wasn't the only who thought of the hootus thread when i saw "Questions for those who have used Herculiner":p

BTW- I'm thinking of Herculining my step bars and bumper, when i do, i'll post pics

Originally posted by IAmTodd

BTW- I'm thinking of Herculining my step bars and bumper, when i do, i'll post pics

I might try this too because I have a small ding in the bumper and a few scratches on the step bars. Be sure to post pics.

Are you going to mask off the plastic parts of the bumper, or remove them first , or?

I'm planning on removing everything. I really have nothing to cover up. The real reason is, mystep bars have this 1 foot long step pad that is pretty useless, so i wanna make the entire thing slip proof(not that i don't want my friends falling while getting in he he he) and my bumpers are pretty rusted, so by sand blasting and then painting them, there will be pits in it. And I just like the textured look of it and i want something unique

Originally posted by mikeinpa
I was considering herculining my factory running boards, rocker panels (up to the body trim) and bumpers with herculiner. I would like the runningboards to be textured for added grip but I would like the rocker panels and bumper to be smooth. I like the idea of protecting and blacking out the lower portion of my X but dont like the idea of it being textured.

My question for those who have used Herculiner are...

1) Is it possible to remove (strain) the product to remove the "chunks", leaving only the rubbery coating?

2) Is there a another smooth coating like herculiner?

Thanks in advance.

I bought a product that is a spray on bedliner is called Rock Guard ....or Texcoat it is from (uuggh I know that peeps are going to just burst) Maaco..... you can buy it directly from need to have them do the job......I just happened to know a guy who is the service manager at the local Maaco and he recommended it.....I was skeptical at first but that all changed when I put it on......I applied it evenly in several layers on my rock sliders, rocker panels (all the way up to my trim), and fender flares (on the inner flares too) it's amazing.....I got too close to my own Bronco and heard a horrible scraping sound as I tore off the rear tail light of the Bronco....the fender flare of my Ex apparently is what did it....all you can see on the fender flare is where the Texcoat scrapped off a was a BAD hit and should have done more damage.... all I did was lightly spray on coat of the texcoat (even in this bbuuur cold weather) like 3 times and you can't even notice is great stuff !! it comes in colors too...


Thats sounds like a cool product! I'm leaning more towards a spray type of stuff rather than roll on like hurculiner has a couple different bedliner kits to choose from.

One is called gator gaurd II epoxy bedliner and its a 2 part epoxy kit. ($44.99)

The other is the SEM tintable bedliner kit. Looks like its a spray on only kit which you can buy the gun separately
for $12.99 or buy the complete kit for $147.99 (which includes the gun) or buy just the bedliner material $139.99.

Hope that helps you out,

NICE!:eek: I like the contrast between the flares and the body. I'm guessing this stuff is flexable enough to put it on the flexiable flares?

I'm pretty sure

best of all it was pretty cheap too....I can't remember the exact #'s but I have about 3 or 4 cans of it laying around just in case i hit any more "trees" (I know someone will just bring that up, so I decided to do it for them) and (now) tail lights


I need some of that stuff for my quad then! Its like a magnet for trees, er maybe thats me:confused:

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Re: Re: Questions for those who have used Herculiner.

Originally posted by ExplorerEB96
I bought a product that is a spray on bedliner is called Rock Guard ....or Texcoat .. all I did was lightly spray on coat of the texcoat (even in this bbuuur cold weather) like 3 times and you can't even notice is great stuff !! it comes in colors too...


Did you spray it with a normal spray gun or does it come in aerosol cans?

It looks good, I have been thinking of doing something like this. I would like to coat the front & rear bumpers, the step bars and the fender flares.
