rear rotor removal 02 explorer 4wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear rotor removal 02 explorer 4wd


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January 28, 2005
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I have a 02 4dr 4wd explorer, Well I eat a rear pad and need to replace rotors. I tried to buy the repair manuals from autozone, walmart, barnes & nobles, napa auto and advance auto but everyone has to order the manuals. I need help.
I have the calipers off. I need help on removing the rotors. Do I need to remove
the axle nut? Any help would be nice. I also spent the $25 for the online manuals from alldata they suck. it just tells you to remove disc.

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If there sre no split nuts on two of the lug bolts, then the rotor should just slide off. DO NOT try to remove the axle nut!

If the rotor does not slide off, then you will have to relieve the pressure from the parking brake shoes. You do this by getting under and looking for an access hole in the back of the brake's backing plate. You should be able to slide a small flat-blade screwdriver inside and and pry downward on a splined gear. Normally this gear spreads the parking brake shoes, pressing them against the inside of the brake drum. You want to remove the spreading pressure so that the rotor slides off.

thanks for your help. Only took about 2 hours. I love disc brakes.

Aren't they terrible?? The problem with the rear brakes on 3rd gen. is that there is a huge lip on the parking brake drum in the rotor that developes rust ridges that get stuck on the parking brake shoes... and there are no holes in the backing plate to access the adjusters... at my dealer we give 2 options to customers when it comes to rear brakes... replace just the pads and sand the rotors, or be prepared to pay for new rotors, parking brake shoes and hardware.

Terrible? Yes, and Poor Design

Eneurb said:
Aren't they terrible?? The problem with the rear brakes on 3rd gen. is that there is a huge lip on the parking brake drum in the rotor that developes rust ridges that get stuck on the parking brake shoes... and there are no holes in the backing plate to access the adjusters... at my dealer we give 2 options to customers when it comes to rear brakes... replace just the pads and sand the rotors, or be prepared to pay for new rotors, parking brake shoes and hardware.

The design of the 2nd gen must be similar, since I just had to have the whole works replaced on my '97. Twice, now! In less than 40K miles! Please tell us more about the "pads and sand the rotor" option.

It basically means that if there is no brake vibration, just replace the pads if the rotors won't come off. 2nd gen. have a hole to get at the parking brake adjuster, they're not as much of a problem as 3rd gen. that seem to have omitted access to the adjuster.
