can't remove rear brake rotors - disc | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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can't remove rear brake rotors - disc


September 14, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Drexel Hill, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Control Trac
Hi, I am new to this post and I am finding it useful already. I am rrying to remove rear disc brake rotors on a 97 and they just won't come off. I romoved the wheel and the brake calipers but I am unsure if I need to remove the heat shield and slippers on the sides of the calipers. It seems like it comes off by loosening the 4 bolts on the axel. I tried doing this for a second and decided I should wait to get a another opinion before removing them. I also unscrewed the little wheel inside the rotor to untighten the emergency brake. Does anybody know which direction that little wheel should go?? It think the problem might be that the rotors are just too tight. they look very old and corroded. Should I just hit them as hard as I can?? Any insight would help. Thanks!

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You just need to remove the caliper and caliper bracket. The rotors are a little tough to get off because they're rusted on. You need to get yourself a 5 LB sledge. Start by pounding in a star like motion on the outside edge on the front of the rotor. Then position the hammer behind the rotor and pull it towards you. This usually will be enough to break it loose.

i changed mine rear rotors out about a month ago. get a big hammer and hit the hat area (be careful not to hit the studs). my father in law was helping out and while one of us was hitting the rotor the other was prying on the rotor with the tire iron. take you time, after you get the first one off you'll see how to do the other side. if you can replace the e-brake pads while your there (napa has them for $27 reman)

thanks for the info, i will give it a whack. When I romove the caliper braker will it give me more room on the outside edge of the rim to work? So far I have just wacked around the spindles and on the small 6-8 inch section where the caliper was. Will that heat shield come off when I romove the cailper braket? It looked like it was pinned or clipped in. thanks!

I paid 50 bucks for raybestos brakes and got rotors for 25 bucks at ABC auto parts

i never had mine off. i just took the two bolts off the caliper and got some wire to keep it from falling down ( i wrapped the wire around the caliper and then the frame). then just beat away.

the rear end has two sets of brakes.

1 set is the calipers (brake pads)

1 set is the e-brake pads that are inside the "hat" of the rotor. (brake shoes, similar to drum brakes)

your e-brake shoes may be the culprit...try backing them off using the adjuster...if they're rubbing or if they've worn a groove the rotors won't come off no matter how much pounding you do w/ a hammer

With a suitable tool, contract the parking brake shoe and lining by turning the parking brake adjuster clockwise for the driver side and counterclockwise for the passenger side. Rotation direction is determined by facing toward the front of the vehicle.

Just another sugg.

When beating the crap outta that thing to get it off, (cause you ARE getting new rotors after you beat them like that), put the lug nuts back on the gives you a little less area to hit on the hat of the rotor but keeps you from messing up the threads on the studs.

thanks for the help guys! i'll start pounding as soon as its stops raining. I gotta get the X ready for fishing the beach!

where is the adjuster?

Originally posted by hinkle_e
...try backing them off using the adjuster...

Where exactly is the adjuster?
